Four herbs for menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome

Four herbs for menstrual pain and premenstrual syndrome

Which herbs are suitable against painful menstruation and to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome? For many women, menstruation is manifested by slight discomfort or tension in the lower abdomen. For some, significant disturbances may occur before and during menstruation, which makes it very painful and presents difficulties in everyday life. Certain herbs can help relieve this type of complaint. Chaste tree Dried grape berries are used for irregular or absent menstruation, breast pain associated with the menstrual cycle, and premenstrual syndrome. A recent study has shown some effectiveness of chaste tree extracts in relieving premenstrual symptoms. These extracts are sold in liquid form containing standardized levels of agnuside and casticin, substances thought to be responsible for their effects. Black cohosh Black cohosh – cimicifuga is used to relieve painful or irregular menstruation, as well as for symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The use of black cohosh for menstrual disorders is based on tradition and has not been the subject of conclusive clinical studies. Fennel Fennel seeds and essential oil are recommended for painful menstruation. They contain fenchone, which would be responsible for the antispasmodic properties of fennel – thus it helps to deal with painful cramps during menstruation. In order to prevent the toxic effect of some substances contained in fennel, it is recommended to take no more than 7 g of dried fennel per day and not to continue the treatment for more than two consecutive weeks. White willow White willow catkins are offered in the treatment of painful menstruation. They contain phytoestrogens with effects similar to those of female sex hormones. Other Plants for Painful Menstruation and Premenstrual Syndrome The use of turmeric in the treatment of painful or irregular menstruation is traditional. Milk thistle, fennel – Anethum graveolens, German chamomile – Matricaria recutita and garden marigold are also recommended to relieve menstrual pain. Is there a risk of herbal treatment for painful menstruation? When menstrual pain intensifies or is accompanied by abnormal bleeding, a specialist should be consulted. In fact, menstrual pain can be a sign of a disease of the genital organs, for example polyps in the uterus or an ectopic pregnancy. References:

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