Dr. Atanas Dokov: Prostate cancer can also occur in 50-year-old men

Dr. Atanas Dokov: Prostate cancer can also occur in 50-year-old men

Dr. Atanas Dokov graduated from Medical University – Sofia in 1993. He acquired the specialties of surgery and urology in 2000 and 2007, respectively. He went through a postgraduate qualification in endoscopic urological surgery, as well as in extracorporeal lithotripsy of urinary stones in urology. He has a specialization in Germany in laser endoscopic urological surgery and a certificate of competence to carry out activities with sources of ionizing radiation. He has participated in numerous congresses and symposia on urology. He has 29 years of medical practice behind him, most of which are dedicated to the treatment of urological diseases in adults. It relies on modern diagnostic and operative treatment methods. – Dr. Dokov, what is your motivation to participate in the Movember prostate cancer campaign? My motivation is both as a professional and as a man. It is quite normal nowadays to pay special attention to the problem, which is mostly associated with prostate cancer in men after a certain age. Unfortunately, years ago when I started my practice, this problem only came up sporadically at an older age. The more seniority I gained, the more the age limit fell. Unfortunately, now even a 50-year-old man is not insured against this insidious disease. – What are preventive examinations for men and what do they aim for? Preventive examination is something very useful, very nice and in no way damages a man’s dignity. Years ago, the examination consisted of the so-called rectal douching, which subsequently fell out, but did not lose its importance. This is a method which, in addition to all other physical methods, gives perhaps the most accurate description of whether it is prostate cancer or not. Nowadays, an important indicator is the so-called tumor marker PSA. In recent years, we already have it in the form of “Total” and “Free” PSA and affordable ultrasound. From then on, all other additional methods are computed tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance. – Above what age should a man pay special attention to his health and, in particular, to examinations by a specialist like you? While years ago urological symptoms were characteristic of over 70 years of age, unfortunately the age limit is now progressively falling and it is completely normal for a 50-year-old person to have the corresponding complaints or changes. All this is mainly determined by the way of life, nutrition and everything that surrounds us. – What are the requirements that must be met before the research? The only requirement is that the bladder contains a sufficient amount of fluid so that the prostate gland can be imaged sonographically. Otherwise, for the tumor marker – PSA, there are no requirements as to whether the test will be done on an empty stomach or not – it can be taken at any time. The conditions are that we have not previously had heavy physical exertion, constipation or long cycling,recent acute viral infection or surgical intervention, because this indicator is affected by all these factors. – What preliminary tests should the patient have done before the visit to the urologist? The most important is the tumor marker. It is desirable that it be ready so that the doctor has information about its value among the patient’s other complaints. And supplemented already by doing the ultrasound diagnosis of the prostate gland with a full bladder is quite enough to give a general idea of ??the condition. – Are there certain symptoms that men should be aware of? In principle, they can be general and strictly specific. Among the strictly specific symptoms are the appearance of blood in the urine or semen and elevated values ??of the tumor marker (PSA). Common symptoms are primarily related to urination in men, either during the day or at night, and sometimes with problems in sex life. – How is prostate cancer diagnosed, what tests are undertaken, by whom are they prescribed? First of all, the patient, going to the general practitioner, shares with him his problems, mostly related to urination, possibly with the appearance of blood in the urine or in the seminal fluid. GPs themselves are sufficiently informed. The general practitioner can easily order some more simple tests, such as a complete blood count, biochemistry and a standard microbiological analysis of urine. From then on, by sending the patient with a referral according to the complaints that the man has, the specialist, if necessary, appoints the corresponding additional set of tests. – Is prostate cancer curable? Of course! A diagnosis of prostate cancer does not mean that one should wear a cross. It is completely curable, even more so if it is detected in the initial or earliest stage. – What is the treatment? When does it come to surgical intervention and is it possible to prevent it without such intervention? What therapies are undertaken? Everything depends on the histological verification of the type of tumor that is located in the prostate gland. Tumors can be benign or malignant. A benign tumor of the prostate gland undergoes the appropriate treatment, which can even be oral, while the therapy of a malignant one, depending on its verification, can be both non-operative and operative. – You are part of the campaign, is there any interest in it, are there any men willing to be examined? Of course. I believe that Movember is more relevant than ever. I am always willing to engage in various initiatives aimed at raising public awareness about the prevention and prevention of serious health problems. In previous years, men usually came for examination when the development of the disease was already in an advanced phase. Whereas now it seems to me that more and more young people are paying attention to their health. So I thinkthat the interest on the part of men of reproductive age is fully justified. Here I want to express my gratitude to the team of the “Tomorrow” Foundation for inviting our medical to be their partner in Sofia. – Do you think that the campaign in November is sufficiently informative for a man to make the decision to examine himself, to pay attention to his health? It’s a good thing that this campaign is taking place in November. In this month, when the weather is a little cooler, a person can pay attention to himself without being distracted by vacations and other entertainment. I think it is perfectly normal for a man to have an examination once a year, either because of campaigns or on his own initiative or inspired by his wife. I consider a tumor marker test, an ultrasound and a visit to a fellow specialist once a year mandatory. – Do you think that preventive examinations are accessible to everyone? Definitely – yes. A matter of initiative on the part of us men. In this regard, I think our health system is up to par and I have no specific objections to it. If there are any shortcomings, then perhaps they are of a purely technical nature. – Does the NHIF undertake the examination by a specialist? Of course, it is taken through the so-called coupon number 3, which can be issued both on paper and on electronic media. So things are totally accessible. – What other examinations or screenings are included in the prevention of men’s health? It is also useful to pay attention to renal lidase and, accordingly, the male reproductive system. – What are the most common questions patients ask you regarding men’s health? These are issues related to urination, whether during the day or at night, and sexuality – the possibility of full-fledged sexual intercourse. – How would you motivate a man to take care of his health? If he doesn’t motivate himself, I can’t motivate him. There is already a lot of information about the problem, most people are well aware of it, the symptoms and should be seriously concerned about their health.the men. In this regard, I think our health system is up to par and I have no specific objections to it. If there are any shortcomings, then perhaps they are of a purely technical nature. – Does the NHIF undertake the examination by a specialist? Of course, it is taken through the so-called coupon number 3, which can be issued both on paper and on electronic media. So things are totally accessible. – What other examinations or screenings are included in the prevention of men’s health? It is also useful to pay attention to renal lidase and, accordingly, the male reproductive system. – What are the most common questions patients ask you regarding men’s health? These are issues related to urination, whether during the day or at night, and sexuality – the possibility of full-fledged sexual contact. – How would you motivate a man to take care of his health? If he doesn’t motivate himself, I can’t motivate him. There is already a lot of information about the problem, most people are well aware of it, the symptoms and should be seriously concerned about their health.the men. In this regard, I think our health system is up to par and I have no specific objections to it. If there are any shortcomings, then perhaps they are of a purely technical nature. – Does the NHIF undertake the examination by a specialist? Of course, it is taken through the so-called coupon number 3, which can be issued both on paper and on electronic media. So things are totally accessible. – What other examinations or screenings are included in the prevention of men’s health? It is also useful to pay attention to renal lidase and, accordingly, the male reproductive system. – What are the most common questions patients ask you regarding men’s health? These are issues related to urination, whether during the day or at night, and sexuality – the possibility of full-fledged sexual intercourse. – How would you motivate a man to take care of his health? If he doesn’t motivate himself, I can’t motivate him. There is already a lot of information about the problem, most people are well aware of it, the symptoms and should be seriously concerned about their health.

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