Health benefits of sex

Health benefits of sex

In addition to pleasure, sexual intercourse can lead to a number of positive health benefits. Here are some of them: 1. Supports the immune system Sexually active people have better immune protection compared to the rest. According to a study conducted by Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, students who were more sexually active – having sex once or twice a week – had higher levels of a certain type of antibody compared to those who had sex less often. 2. Improves bladder control in women A healthy pelvic floor is important to avoid incontinence. This problem affects about 30% of women at some point in their lives. Good sex is like a workout for the pelvic floor muscles. Orgasm stimulates the contraction of the muscles in the intimate area. This, in turn, leads to its strengthening and therefore to lowering the risk of incontinence. 3. Lowers blood pressure According to a number of studies, there is a significant relationship between sexual contact and lower blood pressure. It has been found that this type of intimacy can lower systolic pressure values. 4. Lowers the risk of heart attack A good sex life is good for heart health. Sexual intercourse leads to an increase in heart rate and also helps to maintain balanced levels of estrogen and testosterone in the body. In the presence of very low levels of these hormones, an increase in cardiovascular risk is possible. 5. Relieves Pain Having an orgasm can block the sensation of pain. According to some analyses, a hormone is released during sexual intercourse that can raise the pain threshold. Stimulation without orgasm can also be helpful in reducing pain. Stimulating the various receptors in the vagina can dull the sensation of chronic pain in the back and limbs. Studies show that genital self-stimulation in women can reduce menstrual cramps, arthritis pain, and in some cases, even headaches. 6. Lowers the risk of prostate cancer Men who ejaculate more often – at least 21 times a month – have a lower risk of prostate cancer, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Having a sexual partner is not mandatory. The study also included men who satisfied themselves through masturbation. Their results also show a reduction in risk. Source:

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