Salpingitis – a leading cause of infertility in women

Salpingitis – a leading cause of infertility in women

The fallopian tubes extend from the uterus, one on each side, and both open near the left and right ovaries. During ovulation, the released egg enters the fallopian tube and moves to the uterus. Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Almost all cases are caused by a bacterial infection, including sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. The inflammation causes additional secretion of fluid or even pus, which collects in the fallopian tube. An infection in one tube usually leads to an infection in the other as bacteria migrate through nearby lymph vessels. Salpingitis is one of the most common causes of female infertility. Without prompt treatment, the infection can permanently damage the fallopian tube so that the eggs released each menstrual cycle cannot meet the sperm. Scarring and blockage of the fallopian tubes are the most common long-term complications of pelvic inflammatory disease. However, the general term of pelvic inflammatory disease includes other infections of the female reproductive system, such as diseases of the uterus and ovaries. In milder cases, salpingitis may be asymptomatic. This means that the fallopian tubes can be damaged without the woman even knowing she has an infection. Symptoms of salpingitis may include: An unusual vaginal discharge, such as an unusual color or smell of the discharge; Spotting between periods; Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation); Pain during ovulation; Discomfort or pain during intercourse; Fever; Stomach ache; Backache; Frequent urination; Nausea and vomiting These symptoms usually occur after the menstrual cycle. Salpingitis is usually categorized as acute or chronic. In acute salpingitis, the fallopian tubes become red and swollen and secrete extra fluid, so the inner walls of the tubes often stick together. The tubes can also adhere to nearby structures such as the intestines. Sometimes the fallopian tube can become filled with pus. In rare cases, the tube ruptures and causes a dangerous infection of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis). Chronic salpingitis usually follows an acute attack. The infection is milder, lasts longer, and may not cause many noticeable symptoms. In nine out of ten cases of salpingitis, the cause is a bacterial infection. Some of the most common bacteria responsible for salpingitis include Chlamydia, Gonococcus (which causes gonorrhea), Mycoplasma, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus. The bacteria must gain access to a woman’s reproductive system for infection to take place. The bacteria can be introduced in several ways, including: Sexual intercourse; Placement of intrauterine pessaries; Miscarriage or abortion on demand; Birth; Appendicitis. Lifestyle factors that significantly increase a woman’s risk of developing salpingitis include: Having sex without a condom; Previous infection with a disease,sexually transmitted. Without treatment, salpingitis can cause a number of complications, including transmission of the infection to neighboring structures (uterus or ovary), transmission of the infection to the sexual partner. About 15% of women with salpingitis develop an abscess that requires hospitalization and surgical treatment (tubuloovarian abscess). A blocked fallopian tube prevents the fertilized egg from entering the uterus, leading to the development of an ectopic pregnancy. The embryo begins to grow in the confined space of the fallopian tube. The risk of an ectopic pregnancy for a woman with previous salpingitis or another form of pelvic inflammatory disease is about 1 in 20. With inflammatory disease, the fallopian tube can become deformed or scarred to the point that the egg and sperm cannot meet. . After one attack of salpingitis or other pelvic inflammatory disease, a woman’s risk of infertility increases to about 15 percent. References: Upper genital tract infections’, in The Merck Manual, eds R. Berkow, M. Beers, A. Fletcher & R. Bogin. Merck & Co., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA

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