A peppermint flavored pill makes women tigresses in bed

A peppermint flavored pill makes women tigresses in bed

Six out of ten women report problems in their sex life. In order to help them, scientists decided to develop a pill that would help improve their libido. Whether we have said goodbye to the “headache” late at night remains to be seen. He wants to, but he can’t. She theoretically can, but she doesn’t want to. There are sometimes whole worlds between the problems a man and a woman have in bed. However, all this may soon change. Researchers in the field of pharmacology are about to create a pill that resembles the action of Viagra, only for women. It turns out that the need for such a medication is more and more tangible. In a study carried out by the German Association for Sexual Medicine, it was found that in 4,500 participants, six out of ten women had sexual problems. Despite the great interest in a female libido-enhancing product, experts say that it is difficult to create a good medication with such an effect and minimal side effects. The key to pleasure lies in the brain NEWS_MORE_BOX This is precisely why drugs that increase blood flow such as Viagra do not have the desired effect. Therefore, over time, the drugs Libridos and Librido were tested in two clinical trials in the USA, in which 200 affected women participated. Librido is aimed at women who do not react at all to sexual stimulation. Libridos, on the other hand, is designed for ladies who feel arousal but are easily affected by daily stress, which negatively affects their sex life. The medicines consist of 2 active substances: They are wrapped in testosterone, have a minty aroma and are taken by first keeping them in the mouth for a while before being swallowed. The hormone testosterone makes a woman more sensitive to sexual stimuli. The difference between the two drugs is that Librido contains the active substance of Viagra – sildenafil. Its action is manifested by increasing the blood supply in the genital area. On the other hand, Libridos consists of buspirone, which is used in people with generalized anxiety disorder because it permanently increases the production of serotonin in the brain and stimulates self-control. Low libido as an indicator of other problems There are many factors that affect the sexual desire of both men and women. Some people have had unpleasant or even traumatic experiences, others have fluctuations in their hormone levels or some mental suffering, but the most common reasons for a low libido remain problems in the relationship with the partner, stress and depressive states. In such cases, psychotherapy gives very good results, and at the discretion of the doctor, one could switch to drug treatment with antidepressants.

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