A prostate cancer test should be done twice

A prostate cancer test should be done twice

Hey there, folks! Ever wondered how reliable those prostate cancer tests are? Well, a group of smart scientists from Canada’s capital has some insight for you. Turns out, getting tested twice in a row can make a huge difference.

For over 20 years, doctors have been using something called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) to screen for prostate cancer. It’s like a little alarm that goes off when something might be wrong down there. But here’s the thing – it’s not always spot on. That’s why these researchers suggest doing the test twice to get a clearer picture.

By doing so, they say we can cut down on unnecessary biopsies by a whopping 60%! Plus, we could avoid a bunch of surgeries that might not even be needed. PSA is a special protein released by the prostate into your blood. Usually, when it’s higher than normal, it could mean trouble. But here’s the twist – high levels can also happen for other reasons, like infections.

And get this: some guys end up with prostate cancer even when their PSA levels are normal. Dr. Rodney Brew, the main brain behind the study, advises doctors to take their time with these tests. Rushing to conclusions can stress out patients unnecessarily. He suggests only going for a biopsy or cancer treatment when the PSA test is rock-solid, and other causes for weird results are ruled out.

Prostate cancer is no joke, folks. It’s the third leading cause of cancer death in men, especially those over 75. So, if you’re a guy over 50, it’s a good idea to get checked annually by a urologist. And for those diagnosed with the disease, more tests follow to figure out how bad it is. Then, a team of doctors puts together a personalized treatment plan.

What causes prostate cancer? Well, blame it on old age, family history, and not-so-healthy habits. But here’s the kicker: catching it early can make a world of difference. So, don’t skip those check-ups, fellas! Your health is worth it.

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