Abnormalities in the structure and position of the uterus – one of the causes of miscarriages and sterility

Abnormalities in the structure and position of the uterus – one of the causes of miscarriages and sterility

The uterus is a pear-shaped organ located in the pelvic cavity between the bladder and the rectum. Embryonic development of the internal genitalia in women is from the Müller ducts, while the so-called are of primary importance for the formation of the external genitalia. urogenital sinus. As a result of various reasons, congenital anomalies can occur during the embryonic development of the uterus, which in reproductive age create problems with conception. It has been established that with congenital anomalies of the uterus, the frequency of spontaneous abortions is extremely high – between 40 and 60%. Congenital anomalies of the uterus occur as a result of the action of physical, chemical, environmental, endocrinological, and genetic factors. They are due to abnormalities in the development of the Mullerian duct. The most common Müller anomaly is the so-called uterus with a septum – uterus septus. In it, the uterine cavity is divided into two as a result of the presence of a partial or complete vertical septum. In patients with such a uterus, the highest rate of spontaneous abortions was found – about 75%. Another congenital uterine anomaly is the unicorn uterus – uterus unicornis. In this anomaly, the uterus has lost its normal pear-shaped shape and is cylindrical. Its dimensions are significantly smaller and the presence of a rudimentary horn is possible. It can be connected to the uterine cavity or be independent and attached to the uterus by fibrous coverings. Two-horned uterus (uterus bicornis) also refers to congenital anomalies of the uterus. She has a partial obstruction. In most cases, it does not create difficulties with pregnancy. If the two Müller channels are unable to merge, the so-called double uterus – uterus didelphys. It represents two independent uteruses with two cervixes, each of which is connected to one ovary. Abnormalities in the structure of the uterus are diagnosed during a gynecological examination, the main diagnostic methods being transvaginal ultrasonography, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Unexplained sterility or frequent miscarriages should be ruled out as a possible cause. Very often, congenital uterine anomalies are the cause of intrauterine retardation in the development of the fetus, premature birth, incorrect position of the fetus, delivery by Caesarean section. Patients with a double uterus have the best chances of becoming pregnant, while patients with a unicornuate uterus have the greatest difficulty in conceiving. Although less common, infertility can also occur as a result of abnormalities in the position of the uterus. These abnormalities can be congenital or secondary to tumor processes, endometriosis, adhesions from inflammatory diseases (eg pelvic inflammatory disease). Normally, the axis of the uterus makes an obtuse angle with the axis of the vagina, open forward – anteversio. The angle between the axis of the cervix and the body of the uterus is also open forward – anteflexio. The main importance for maintaining the position of the uterus is its attachment apparatus and the pelvic floor. normalthe uterus is located medially in the pelvis. With bulky processes or adhesions from endometriosis, inflammation, the uterus can be pushed forward to the bladder or back to the Douglas space and rectum – antepositio and retropositio. In the sagittal plane, the uterus is in anteversioflexio. When the angle between the axis of the uterus and that of the vagina is open backwards, the position is denoted by the term retroversio. Retroflexio is the abnormal position of the uterus at an angle between the axis of the cervix and the body of the uterus, open backwards. Retrovesio and retroflexio most often occur simultaneously and are referred to as retrodeviation of the uterus. Retrodeviation can be congenital or as a result of stretching of the uterine ligaments, urinary retention, endometriosis. In some cases, when the uterus is mobile, it can be placed in the correct position by bimanual palpation. In the presence of adhesions, its mobility is limited and manual adjustment cannot be carried out. The diagnosis of abnormal position of the uterus is carried out by transvaginal ultrasonography and bimanual palpation. Habituation is not considered a cause of sterility, but it can lead to a complication during pregnancy. With retrodeviation of the uterus in the third trimester, there is an increased risk of the fetus getting stuck in the pelvis, which can seriously damage it or cause its death. In such a condition, it is necessary to place the uterus rectally, and if it is impossible – through laparotomy. Abnormalities in the structure and position of the uterus can be congenital or secondary as a result of tumor processes, endometriosis, inflammatory diseases. There is a higher incidence of sterility in patients with congenital abnormalities in the structure of the uterus. In frequent miscarriages, the exclusion of congenital anomalies as a cause is mandatory.but it can lead to complication during pregnancy. With retrodeviation of the uterus in the third trimester, there is an increased risk of the fetus getting stuck in the pelvis, which can seriously damage it or cause its death. In such a condition, it is necessary to place the uterus rectally, and if it is impossible – through laparotomy. Abnormalities in the structure and position of the uterus can be congenital or secondary as a result of tumor processes, endometriosis, inflammatory diseases. There is a higher incidence of sterility in patients with congenital abnormalities in the structure of the uterus. In frequent miscarriages, the exclusion of congenital anomalies as a cause is mandatory.but it can lead to complication during pregnancy. With retrodeviation of the uterus in the third trimester, there is an increased risk of the fetus getting stuck in the pelvis, which can seriously damage it or cause its death. In such a condition, it is necessary to place the uterus rectally, and if it is impossible – through laparotomy. Abnormalities in the structure and position of the uterus can be congenital or secondary as a result of tumor processes, endometriosis, inflammatory diseases. There is a higher incidence of sterility in patients with congenital abnormalities in the structure of the uterus. In frequent miscarriages, the exclusion of congenital anomalies as a cause is mandatory.

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