About sex, food and other things…

About sex, food and other things…

For many people, the image of a successful man is associated with a smug tough guy sitting on a lavish sofa, holding a cigarette in one hand and a woman’s ass in the other. In the era of consumer democracy, this “Bulgarian dream” unleashed the passions of many people who grew up in material and spiritual misery. For them, security and individual significance was achieved mainly through seizure, control and overfeeding. Their motto “I am what I own and consume.” leading them to believe that individual survival is possible only by aggressively subjugating the world around them and maintaining absolute power in order to squeeze everything they touch. After the scaffolding of totalitarian security collapsed, many people felt helpless, threatened and confused. And the more insecure a person is in his own worth and the more unable he is to create meaningful relationships with the people around him, the greater his fear, pushing him to insatiable greed, lust for power and consumer euphoria. Proprietary stockpiling of resources you can’t even use has become a fetish and a way of self-affirmation. Probably because of this, in some people’s lives, eating is a “splash”, and intimate communication is an orgy. However, nature is wise enough not to tolerate this. It has purifying mechanisms that eliminate destructive elements that threaten survival. These mechanisms operate at different levels – biological, psychological and social. From an ecological standpoint, aggressive consumer behavior is destructive to the entire system in which we live, and it defends itself against it in various ways. Aggressive eating (overeating), as well as an aggressive attitude towards nature and people, threatens the earth’s resources and harmony. Therefore, nature defends itself by damaging the aggressor. The metabolic mechanisms by which nature “gives a red card” to those who want to eat it all are known. By damaging their vessels, it not only removes them earlier from the stage of life, but also limits the chances of this breed of people to reproduce. Let us return to the “feasting mutt” and trace how her own gluttony eats her self. NEWS_MORE_BOX It is an indisputably established fact that excessive emphasis on meat and meat products increases early cardiovascular death, the development of organic erectile dysfunction and malignant diseases. These effects are reinforced by other elements in the predatory mutt’s behavior. The aggressive tendency to always and everything by force keeps the levels of stress hormones constantly high, which further destroy the vessels, take away potency and shorten life. The inability to connect through love and the absence of true intimacy deprives a person of the powerful relaxing and energizing role of the erotic experience, turning sex into bed aerobics and a painful pursuit of records and conquests on the “white carpet”. This behavior robs us of the endorphins and other important biochemical bonuses that nature so generously bestows upon those whowho discover true human closeness and community. Even if he achieves supremacy, thanks to his muscle power, the “snout predator” remains constantly anxious and insecure, because he is lonely and feels universal hatred. His nervous system collapses and gives deviations. He is consumed by alcohol, tobacco and drugs, through which he desperately tries to piece together his life.

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