All about relationships with Lucia Taskova: Open relationship

All about relationships with Lucia Taskova: Open relationship

Until a few years ago, romantic relationships were necessarily characterized by monogamy and exclusivity between the two partners. At least on paper. The only way for someone to experience a new love experience was infidelity, which most often led to separation. As men and women interact more and more with other people in recent years, at work, at social events or even through social networks, the concept of exclusivity has started to become more difficult for some. With divorces and separations on the rise, many are trying to save their relationship by trying out new rules. On the other hand, all those who feel the commitment suffocating them, but do not want to be completely alone, try to find the ideal alternative. And so the open relationship is increasingly accepted as something normal, with many couples preferring it over the traditional one. I thought about the subject, since this type of relationship is contrary to my values ??and morals, but I had to look at things from a different angle purely professionally. What is a free link in this context? In a single relationship, there is no commitment to monogamy. Each partner is free to do whatever they want in their lives without having to give an explanation. Of course, the fact that there is absolute romantic independence and freedom between the two partners does not mean that the same is true of feelings. An open link does not mean an “empty” link. The two partners may love each other, but they may also have romantic relationships with other people. Surprisingly, there are couples who, although they have chosen the freest dimension in their relationship, the love that binds them seems strong and true. Just such a couple came for consultation and provoked my thoughts. In theory, no one looks forward to cheating when starting a new relationship. But with the temptations constantly multiplying out there, unfortunately, it seems that quite often couples can’t resist the fresh and different that’s on offer. On the other hand, quite often, even while both partners love each other, sexual disappointment destroys their relationship. And let’s not forget all those for whom the thought of having the same romantic partner for the rest of their lives is simply painful. In all of the above cases, a loose connection may seem like the most suitable option. In addition, the demands of modern society force people to live at a pace that may not allow for a traditional relationship. The pressures of work and the stress of everyday life make committing to whatever it entails seem very difficult in the eyes of young people, making the choice of a freer dimension a one-way street. Many couples involved in open relationships say they are happier and love their partner much more because they retain the best of both worlds, emotional security and new love experiences. Let’s face it, open relationships seem like a very exciting and tempting idea. But every time you have sex with someone else,your partner can do the same. Can you handle it? Most people want to have sex outside of the relationship but can’t imagine their partner with anyone else. If you are one of them, then an open relationship is definitely not for you. An open relationship can be successful for some couples, but not for all. In many cases, only one partner wants to have romantic experiences outside of the relationship and tries to convince their partner that a casual relationship is the best way forward. But it doesn’t work like that. You can’t just convince your partner into an open relationship. Open relationships are for couples who understand that this state is best for both of them. They are not just looking for an excuse to have sex with someone else, nor are they forcing their partner to accept it. A loose relationship can be more painful than cheating if you’re not ready for it. The thought of your partner having other sexual partners while you are sitting at home can be excruciating. So if you really don’t want it, better avoid it.

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