Alleviating menstrual complaints with natural remedies

Alleviating menstrual complaints with natural remedies

Sharp abdominal cramps, lower back pain, headache, fatigue, bad mood… and all this repeats itself month after month, year after year! What are the causes of ailments that make a large number of women regularly reach for painkillers to relieve menstrual complaints and manage to maintain a normal rhythm of life? What is painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea)? Every month, the female body prepares for a potential pregnancy by building a lining in the uterus where the fertilized egg can implant and continue to develop. If fertilization and pregnancy do not occur, this lining and the unfertilized egg are rejected. This is where prostaglandins come in – hormones that cause the muscles of the uterus to spasm to shed the unnecessary mucus and remove it through the blood. Every woman goes through the period of menstruation in a different way. Some feel nothing, others only experience slight discomfort, but many women really suffer. Unpleasant symptoms may last very briefly for some, while for others they may last for days. Menstruation lasts between 3 and 7 days. Usually the pain starts immediately before the start and gradually weakens and disappears within 2-3 days. Women with more severe menstrual pain were found to have significantly elevated levels of prostaglandins. Common accompanying symptoms are: lower back and pelvic pain, tender, sore breasts, headaches or migraines, nausea (and vomiting), constipation or diarrhea, lack of energy, increased irritability, sudden mood swings, depressed moods. Dysmenorrhea can appear at any age until the onset of menopause, as well as occur as a result of a gynecological disease (endometriosis, fibroid uterine formations, inflammatory process, use of an intrauterine coil, etc.) How can we relieve complaints in a way that is gentle on the body ? When menstrual pains are severe, many women resort to painkillers or antispasmodics, but these conventional medicine agents may have some side effects and are not suitable for long-term use. Naturopaths of the German school apply natural remedies, including changes in lifestyle and nutrition, Schussler therapy, etc. Here are some of their tips: Try to relax as much as possible and avoid unnecessary stress just before the expected start of your period. Stress and negative emotions in general can increase complaints. Many women have too busy daily lives (especially those who combine work and motherhood). The problem is when we don’t realize how much it burdens the female organism. A good way to compensate is by making a conscious effort to relax in the evenings – relaxing in a warm bath with aromatic salts, listening to music in a darkened room, or simply lying on the sofa with a book in hand. Help with herbal remedies – when hormones go crazy, naturopaths recommend herbal teas,containing: chamomile, ginger and yarrow. Schussler salt #7 magnesium phosphate is known as the pain reliever of Schussler therapy – it is distinguished by its quick healing effect, especially when taken in the form of a hot drink (10 tablets of salt #7, dissolved in a glass of warm water). It helps relax all muscles (including the uterus) and relieves pain from cramps. You can start taking it 2 days before the start of menstruation, 1-2 times a day, and with the onset and when severe pain occurs – 3 to 5 times a day. Regular physical exercises (yoga, gymnastics, walking, jogging) are very useful for women with dysmenorrhea, as they promote muscle relaxation and relieve stress. If we are physically active in the days before menstruation, it helps to prevent the primary pains of the period. Also try the following relaxing yoga asanas that help relieve abdominal cramps and lower back pain. Cat pose – we stand on the floor on our knees and hands in a “table” position (knees are just below the pelvis and hands below the shoulders). We inhale and with the exhalation we bend the spine towards the ceiling, push down the head and neck. We hold for 5, feel a light and pleasant stretch, breathe deeply. We return to the starting position. Next exercise � Cow pose. From the same starting position with an inhale, lower the waist down (chest, head and buttocks rise up), hold the pose for a short time, then return to the starting position. We alternately perform the two poses 5-6 times. Heat relaxes muscles and relieves cramps. Massage the abdomen with your hand in a clockwise direction (lavender oil is suitable for this purpose). Then relax in bed with a heating pad on your stomach or a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. A balanced rhythm of sleep, even on days off, has a strong positive effect on the female organism and cyclicity during the month. A balanced diet is also extremely important: the usual menu should include a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish twice a week and little animal fat. References: Die 12 Salze des Lebens – Biochemie nach Dr. Sch??ler. Angelika Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Mankau, 2013 www.schuessler-salze-zentrum.deIf we are physically active in the days before menstruation, it helps to prevent the primary pains of the period. Also try the following relaxing yoga asanas that help relieve abdominal cramps and lower back pain. Cat pose – we stand on the floor on our knees and hands in a “table” position (knees are just below the pelvis and hands below the shoulders). We inhale and with the exhalation we bend the spine towards the ceiling, push down the head and neck. We hold for 5, feel a light and pleasant stretch, breathe deeply. We return to the starting position. Next exercise � Cow pose. From the same starting position, with an inhale, lower the waist down (the chest, head and buttocks rise up), hold the pose for a short time, then return to the starting position. We alternately perform the two poses 5-6 times. Heat relaxes muscles and relieves cramps. Massage the abdomen with your hand in a clockwise direction (lavender oil is suitable for this purpose). Then relax in bed with a heating pad on your stomach or a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. A balanced rhythm of sleep, even on days off, has a strong positive effect on the female organism and cyclicity during the month. A balanced diet is also extremely important: the usual menu should include a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish twice a week and little animal fat. References: Die 12 Salze des Lebens – Biochemie nach Dr. Sch??ler. Angelika Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Mankau, 2013 www.schuessler-salze-zentrum.deIf we are physically active in the days before menstruation, it helps to prevent the primary pains of the period. Also try the following relaxing yoga asanas that help relieve abdominal cramps and lower back pain. Cat Pose – we stand on the floor on our knees and hands in a “table” position (knees are just below the pelvis and hands below the shoulders). We inhale and with the exhalation we bend the spine towards the ceiling, push down the head and neck. We hold for 5, feel a light and pleasant stretch, breathe deeply. We return to the starting position. Next exercise � Cow pose. From the same starting position, with an inhale, lower the waist down (the chest, head and buttocks rise up), hold the pose for a short time, then return to the starting position. We alternately perform the two poses 5-6 times. Heat relaxes muscles and relieves cramps. Massage the abdomen with your hand in a clockwise direction (lavender oil is suitable for this purpose). Then relax in bed with a heating pad on your stomach or a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. A balanced rhythm of sleep, even on days off, has a strong positive effect on the female organism and cyclicity during the month. A balanced diet is also extremely important: the usual menu should include a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish twice a week and little animal fat. References: Die 12 Salze des Lebens – Biochemie nach Dr. Sch??ler. Angelika Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Mankau, 2013 www.schuessler-salze-zentrum.deAngelika Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Mankau, 2013 www.schuessler-salze-zentrum.deAngelika Wolffskeel von Reichenberg, Mankau, 2013

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