An active sex life harms older men

An active sex life harms older men

For older people who enjoy an active sex life, there is some good news and some bad news. American researchers found that regular and satisfying sex significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular problems among women later in life. Men of the same age group who have sex once a week or more have double the risk of such incidents compared to their peers who are sexually inactive. This is the first large-scale study to examine how sex affects cardiovascular health in older adults. His data indicated that women who were over the age of 57 and had an active and satisfying sex life were half as likely to develop hypertension. High blood pressure levels are the main cause of heart attack and stroke. Researchers from Michigan State University in the US found that women reporting “extremely satisfying” sex had a 47% lower risk of developing hypertension in the next 5 years. The surge of beneficial hormones and the emotional boost from a love affair are believed to be the reasons responsible for improved health among women. Meanwhile, men are nearly twice as likely to suffer cardiovascular events when they have sex at least once a week. According to the researchers, the reason for this may be due to most of the sexual problems that older men face, which puts them under more stress. NEWS_MORE_BOX The research team interviewed 2,200 people who were between the ages of 57 and 85. They provide information about their sexual activity. Specialists follow the health status of the participants for 5 years. American researchers explain that the results of a study challenge the widespread notion that sex brings the same benefits to everyone. The study data is published in the journal Sexual Behaviors and Social Relationships.

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