An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away from me

An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away from me

In the modern world, there is a perception that every single pleasure will sooner or later kill us or lead to a sudden collapse of the planet. These “rumored” angry group of scientists who decided to show the world the great benefits of sex and why it is so beneficial for good human health. According to specialists in sexual medicine, about 200 orgasms a year rejuvenate the physical age by six years. In other words described… orgasms are not one of life’s goods, but a means of leading a good and long life. Orgasm Daily Keeps the Doctor Away In addition to the beneficial effects of orgasm for rejuvenating the physical age, orgasm has been shown to help significantly in maintaining good mental health, body tone and peace of mind. In addition to bringing immeasurably good pleasure, orgasm has a positive effect on every other process in the human body – from stimulating immunity to controlling depression crises. Thanks to the quality and nice sex, the orgasm delivers a very good effect for releasing mental tension. It has been proven that physical and mental stress are precursors of many diseases, and good sex controls the provocateurs of this problem very well. In addition, sex is a proven remedy for insomnia. According to sexual medicine specialists and the opinions of many sexually active young people, during orgasm blood pressure drops and muscles throughout the body contract and relax. In this way, the body relaxes, the tension drops and a feeling and desire to sleep appears. Chronic insomnia creates a prerequisite for the development of some physical and mental deviations. In such an aspect, for example, it is believed that the relationship between diseases can be complicated, causing the development of female orgasmic distress syndrome, in which women cannot experience orgasm for one reason or another. It is for this reason that the regular consumption of the fruits of love is believed to be a leading solution in managing problems with chronic stress and prevents the development of future diseases. In addition, scientists have proven that during sex, an extremely large amount of endorphins are released, which are capable of toning up and getting any person out of a depressive crisis. Regular sexual consumption causes an increased release of another important substance in the human body. It’s called DHEA. It is a powerful chemical ingredient with high activity that literally blasts the immune system and improves its functionality. NEWS_MORE_BOX Studies show that sexually active young people contain in peripheral blood samples about 30% more immunoglobulin A, which has long been proven to have effects on a person’s immune system. Other particularly beneficial effects of regularly practicing sex and experiencing satisfying orgasms, according to specialists in sexual medicine and andrology, are the control of pain syndrome,improving muscle tone and improving blood supply to vital organs in the body. The pain syndrome is controlled significantly faster after a good orgasm, because it leads to the release of a large amount of oxytocin. This hormone is a natural opiate produced by the human body that has very powerful analgesic properties. That’s why experts advise young people who don’t want to have sex with someone not to lie about having a headache, because sex is actually the most natural way to stop chronic headaches. Also, during orgasm, blood pressure suddenly drops, which is due to well-expressed peripheral vasodilatation and a corresponding decrease in peripheral vascular resistance. This, in turn, leads to better oxygenation of blood through the lungs and, accordingly, delivery of a greater amount of fresh oxygen to the tissues, which is vitally important for the proper functionality of the body. It has long been known that sexually active young people look better than others. This fact is due to the fact that by regularly practicing sex, people gain self-confidence and keep their body tight without even exercising. The latter effect is due to the generalized muscle contraction in the body, which creates a prerequisite for its regular training with extremely high intensity, even if for a few seconds. It is also believed that by having regular sex and experiencing nice, deep and satisfying orgasms, men have a significantly lower risk of prostate damage and disease development. Specialists in sexual medicine are unanimous in the statement that all these effects of sex and orgasm are achieved only and only when it is a desired act of action between both partners. It is a widely known sentence that specialists in sexual medicine regularly share with their patients – “sex is not done with body and movement, but with soul and heart!”.that by regularly practicing sex, people gain self-confidence and keep their bodies tight without even exercising. The latter effect is due to the generalized muscle contraction in the body, which creates a prerequisite for its regular training with extremely high intensity, even if for a few seconds. It is also believed that by having regular sex and experiencing nice, deep and satisfying orgasms, men have a significantly lower risk of prostate damage and disease development. Specialists in sexual medicine are unanimous in the statement that all these effects of sex and orgasm are achieved only and only when it is a desired act of action between both partners. It is a widely known sentence that specialists in sexual medicine regularly share with their patients – “sex is not done with body and movement, but with soul and heart!”.that by regularly practicing sex, people gain self-confidence and keep their bodies tight without even exercising. The latter effect is due to the generalized muscle contraction in the body, which creates a prerequisite for its regular training with extremely high intensity, even if for a few seconds. It is also believed that by having regular sex and experiencing nice, deep and satisfying orgasms, men have a significantly lower risk of prostate damage and disease development. Specialists in sexual medicine are unanimous in the statement that all these effects of sex and orgasm are achieved only and only when it is a desired act of action between both partners. It is a widely known sentence that specialists in sexual medicine regularly share with their patients – “sex is not done with body and movement, but with soul and heart!”.

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