Anal sex – some important rules when practicing it

Anal sex – some important rules when practicing it

Anal sex is mostly associated with homosexuality, but in reality it has been such a common activity among heterosexual couples since time immemorial. Modern technologies offer anonymous access to such information, which provokes even more couples to try this stigmatized practice. Such a sexual practice, however, hides its risks… First of all: many inexperienced couples resort to this act because of the lack of risk of pregnancy. However, this does not mean that the need to use a condom disappears. AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases can also be caught through anal sex and in general during any type of sexual activity without the use of protection. The probability of contracting HIV during anal sex is even greater, as it causes lacerations and injuries. Accordingly, contact with blood creates favorable conditions for the virus. The fact that during anal sex the probability of physical injury to the anus is too high should not be ignored. Anal sex itself does not cause tumor diseases, but even with protective measures, there is a minimal risk of transmission of the papilloma virus (HPV), which has strains associated with the development of cancer. The prevalence of the virus has increased by 160% in men and 70% in women over the past 30 years. The recipient of this type of sexual penetration has a 7 times higher risk of contracting the papilloma virus than the penetrator. NEWS_MORE_BOX The following should also be considered – while the vagina has its own natural lubricants, the anus does not. Water-based lubricants must be used during anal sex, as others can react with the latex of the condom and degrade it. It is also necessary to use different condoms for vaginal and anal sex, thus avoiding the transfer of different bacteria specific to the two sites. It is important to note that the tissues inside the anus are not as well protected as those outside. Care must be taken, especially when using sex toys or penetration, as even small tears can lead to nasty infections. The same rule applies to sex toys as it does to condoms – not to use the same one for the anus and the vagina. If during anal sex there is stimulation of the clitoris or another highly erogenous zone, the initial pain can be ignored and this can make this deliberate practice a much more pleasant experience.

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