Andropause – men also experience menopause

Andropause – men also experience menopause

The problems related to female menopause have been the subject of attention of gynecologists and endocrinologists for a long time, and serious successes have been achieved in this area with the use of modern means and methods for correcting hormonal balance disorders. Andropause in men, however, remained out of the view of specialists for a long time. But it is no less a serious problem that also requires care from both doctors and psychologists. Symptoms Not only women have reason to complain about the changes that occur with them during menopause. Indeed, there is a critical age in men as well, which is called andropause. It is usually associated with a number of sexual problems that undermine a man’s psyche. Disturbances in the hormonal balance that occur in men with advancing age lead to changes manifested by fat accumulation in the abdominal area, reduction and weakening of the musculature, reduced vitality and self-esteem, sometimes reaching depression, reduced libido and erectile function, an increase in the prostate gland with problems urinating and an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease. The manifestations of andropause are associated with progressively decreasing levels of free testosterone, while the level of estrogens (female sex hormones) remains the same or relatively increases. After the age of 30 in men, every 10 years the level of testosterone decreases by 10%. At the same time, another factor in the body called Sex Binding Hormone Globulin (SHBG) increases. This factor binds some of the testosterone and the remaining unbound hormone (free testosterone) is the one that is biologically active. To assess the testosterone level, it is the measurement of free testosterone, not bound or total, that is of decisive importance. And side effects The immune system is strongly affected in a negative way. Infections and viral diseases are becoming more frequent. No less a problem are sexual problems, obesity, which is often the cause of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Knowledge in the field of experimental medicine, endocrinology, increasing the accessibility and diagnostic possibilities of hormonal studies, as well as the creation of effective preparations for the correction of hormonal disorders already enable the problems of men in advanced age to be successfully solved. Low testosterone is a major cause of a number of physical, mental and emotional changes in older men. These include lack of ability to concentrate, lowered mood and emotionality leading to depression, irritability, anxiety, general weakness and fatigue, memory disorders, hypochondria, decreased interest in others. NEWS_MORE_BOX The lack of an adequate level of testosterone is the cause of serious sexual problems. In these cases, the problems are related to the reduced desire (libido) for sexual contact and erectile dysfunction.Elevated estrogen levels also contribute to sexual dysfunction because estrogen molecules block testosterone receptors, thereby preventing testosterone-specific biochemical actions on nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. What is the solution to the problem? Men in their 50s who complain of such disturbances might want to see a doctor if their quality of life is seriously diminished. About 30% of 50-year-old men have well-defined symptoms. There are specialized offices that provide consultations on andropause problems. Consultation with a doctor is very important, because it is dangerous to take hormonal preparations at personal discretion. They must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment of andropause symptoms is not only unacceptable, but can also be dangerous. Treatment of andropause includes replacement therapy with testosterone preparations, preparations that stimulate testosterone production, preparations that suppress the production of estrogens and DHT, nutritional supplements, diet and lifestyle. Patients with prostate cancer and breast cancer are contraindicated for treatment with hormone replacement therapy. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the treatment and to avoid risk factors for the activation of undiagnosed tumors of the prostate gland before treatment, it is necessary to do a number of tests, as well as an examination of the prostate gland. In the course of hormone treatment, control hormone tests are done every 30-45 days until the 5th month, and then every 6 months. You can help yourself A healthy lifestyle is undeniably beneficial. It can well affect many of the disorders prevented by andropause. Sports, healthy eating and regular rest are just some of the advice of the experts. Walking in nature energizes you and gives you the opportunity to exercise. Taking appropriate vitamins and herbal supplements is also a good idea. Alcohol affects the function of the liver and interferes with the processing of excess estrogens in the body. It is recommended to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.but it can also be dangerous. Treatment of andropause includes replacement therapy with testosterone preparations, preparations that stimulate testosterone production, preparations that suppress the production of estrogens and DHT, nutritional supplements, diet and lifestyle. Patients with prostate cancer and breast cancer are contraindicated for treatment with hormone replacement therapy. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the treatment and to avoid risk factors for the activation of undiagnosed tumors of the prostate gland before treatment, it is necessary to do a number of tests, as well as an examination of the prostate gland. In the course of hormone treatment, control hormone tests are done every 30-45 days until the 5th month, and then every 6 months. You can help yourself A healthy lifestyle is undeniably beneficial. It can well affect many of the disorders prevented by andropause. Sports, healthy eating and regular rest are just some of the advice of the experts. Walking in nature energizes and gives you the opportunity to exercise. Taking appropriate vitamins and herbal supplements is also a good idea. Alcohol affects the function of the liver and interferes with the processing of excess estrogens in the body. It is recommended to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.but it can also be dangerous. Treatment of andropause includes replacement therapy with testosterone preparations, preparations that stimulate testosterone production, preparations that suppress the production of estrogens and DHT, nutritional supplements, diet and lifestyle. Patients with prostate cancer and breast cancer are contraindicated for treatment with hormone replacement therapy. To achieve maximum effectiveness of the treatment and to avoid risk factors for the activation of undiagnosed tumors of the prostate gland before treatment, it is necessary to do a number of tests, as well as an examination of the prostate gland. In the course of hormone treatment, control hormone tests are done every 30-45 days until the 5th month, and then every 6 months. You can help yourself A healthy lifestyle is undeniably beneficial. It can well affect many of the disorders prevented by andropause. Sports, healthy eating and regular rest are just some of the advice of the experts. Walking in nature energizes and gives you the opportunity to exercise. Taking appropriate vitamins and herbal supplements is also a good idea. Alcohol affects the function of the liver and interferes with the processing of excess estrogens in the body. It is recommended to limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

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