are you flirting with me (Part I)

are you flirting with me (Part I)

Why is it that as we age, we seem to become more uncertain about judging whether someone likes us or not? How ten-year-olds, for example, understand each other so quickly that they like each other. They exchange notes and without much ado decide if they are friends or if the liking is “unrequited”. Although at thirty, for example, it is doubtful that we will receive a “love note”, there are other ways in which we encode the love message to the other. By the way, it takes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes for the other person to realize that you are flirting with them. A brief statistic: When we flirt, we do it 55% with the body, 38% is the share of “game” with the voice and only 7% of verbal communication. In the game of flirting, however, the approach of men and women differs. And make no mistake, it turns out the ladies are the first to start the game…How do women flirt with men? If a woman gives a man a quick, deep look, it is certainly a sign that she is interested in him. The concept has “worked” since humanity has existed. This is perhaps one of the most important first lessons a girl learns when interacting with the opposite sex. In fact, it is not necessary for a woman to use verbal language at all to show someone how much she likes and desires him. What are the ways for her to demonstrate her interest: she sends an unmistakable quick seductive look at him, with which she seems to “pin” him in place, while talking to him, she moves her finger along the rim of the glass of wine or other drink, spins between her fingers your pen, touching your shoulders or neck, lightly touching or holding his hand, playing with hair is one of the most used secret weapons of a woman: playing with a lock of hair, tucking it behind the ears, stroking the tied hair… seducing with lips . The trick may include applying bright red lipstick, which sets the luscious, full lips in such stark contrast… No less effective is the slow consumption of vanilla cream. In fact, the taste and appearance of the cream do not matter, the important thing is to take it slowly with the lips. Sharon Stone’s famous scene in “Primal Instinct” is not accidental “killer”. Just the movie, perpetuated a good knack for women to seduce. Walking in high heels, rocking a shoe, or showing off the graceful curve of a shoed fine female foot while she sits on a high stool at the bar, only demonstrates how impossible it is for this woman to escape from the man, of course, nothing is as strong as a smile. If a woman smiles at a man, there is no way she is not interested in him. Sex is not the only way of non-verbal communication between a man and a woman. Even when this step has long been passed, communication without words, with gestures, touch, eyes is an important part of the relationship between two people. What is a man’s body language

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