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Stress leads to reduced ovarian reserve and reproductive disorders
Stress is an environmental factor that has multiple consequences not only on mental health, but also on reproductive health and overall quality of life. Lab models exposed to stress may have reduced ovarian reserve and reduced fertility, according to a study published in the Endocrine Society’s journal Endocrinology. Ovarian reserve is the reproductive potential left…
Life without urinary infections
Dr. Tina Todorova graduated from Medical University – Sofia. He has been working in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Sofiamed Medical Center since 2015. She is part of the team of specialists at the gynecological office “Dr. Ani Nacheva” Sofia and the gynecological office “Endovue”. There are a number of participations in national congresses…
Reproductive Health – What Do Changes in Testosterone Levels Mean?
Testosterone is a male steroid hormone produced naturally in men and to a lesser extent in women. It is an androgenic hormone whose role is to induce the development of male reproductive organs and reproductive functions. Testosterone is mainly secreted by the testicles. In women, androgens are released in small quantities by the ovaries and…
In which cases are intrauterine and transdermal contraceptives suitable?
1. Трансдермални контрацептивни пластири Трансдермалният контрацептивен пластир е безопасен и удобен метод за контрацепция, който работи много добре, ако бъде използван правилно. Трансдермалният пастир освобождава хормони през кожата, които предотвратяват бременността. Пластирът има и много други ползи за здравето. Пластирът за контрол на раждаемостта предотвратява бременността, като спира свързването на сперматозоидите с яйцеклетката, тоест предотвратява…
Which everyday chemicals impair bone density in adolescents?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known by the labels PFAS and phthalates, are two types of chemicals that disrupt the functions and hormonal balance of the endocrine system and may be linked to lower bone mineral density in adolescent males, a new study shows , published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. Endocrine…
Dilation and curettage – in which cases is the procedure necessary?
A curettage is a surgical procedure in which the cervix is widened (dilated) and a thin instrument is inserted into the uterus. This tool is used to remove tissue from inside the uterus (curettage). Curettage can be used as a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for abnormal bleeding. The procedure may be performed to determine the…
What are the risks and contraindications of prostate biopsy?
As with other medical tests, prostate biopsy carries potential risks, and there are contraindications for which the test should not be performed. What are the potential risks of prostate biopsy? Some of the risks of a prostate gland biopsy may be more important in certain men than in others, so it should not be forgotten…
Breast cancer – hereditary causes and is there a family predisposition?
Genes Associated with Increased Susceptibility to Breast Cancer So far, two breast cancer susceptibility genes have been identified, called BRCA1 and BRCA2, located on chromosomes 17 and 13, respectively. These two genes are involved in repairing the mutations and damage that occur regularly in DNA. The presence of mutations in one of these two genes…
What is the cause of painful breasts in women?
Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is common in women. Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle and before menopause are the main cause of breast discomfort and pain. In addition to pain, the breasts may feel tight, swollen, and tender to the touch. If the discomfort is due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle,…