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Prostate cancer – there are 4 stages
Neoplasias of the prostate gland require different therapeutic approaches depending on the stage of the disease. In clinical practice, a standard classification of tumors according to their spread is adopted. Determining whether a tumor has metastasized or not and classifying it into the appropriate category is called staging. Correct staging is a key diagnostic point,…
Prostate cancer – what is the treatment?
After a diagnosis of prostate cancer is made, staging of the tumor is done to clarify the therapeutic approach. In some cases, the tumor is carefully monitored without treatment. Active surveillance involves regular testing and research. When tests show a change in condition, the attending physician may decide to proceed with active treatment. There are…
What are the physiological changes during sexual arousal?
Before and during the sexual act, specific physiological changes occur in the body of the man and the woman, which, in addition to allowing the initiation and maintenance of the act, also have a longer-term significance for the overall emotional and health status. Today, the primary importance of a fulfilling sex life for the mental…
Several factors for prostate problems
As men age, the risk of developing prostate cancer increases. The more advanced the years, the greater the risk. The critical period from which cases of the disease are counted is the age of 50. Prostate cancer is more common among elderly men over 65. Some research results show that 80% of men over 80…
Prostate cancer – what is the staged treatment?
Depending on the stage of the neoplasia, treatment is usually carried out by one of the following methods or therapeutic combinations. Stage I Radical prostatectomy, usually with pelvic lymphadenectomy – removal of pelvic lymph nodes. After removal of the prostate, radiation therapy may also be performed. At this stage, the prostate can be removed without…
Vaginal steam bath – the new spa fashion
Vaginal steam baths, also known as chai-yok, are the newest offering in spas. The procedure is a detoxification of the vagina. It may sound strange and crazy at first, but women in Asia have been using the method to regulate their menstrual cycles for centuries. A complex of herbs with proven benefits is dissolved in…
Soft drinks increase the risk of prostate cancer
Daily consumption of carbonated drinks increases the risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer by 40%. The harms of soft drinks have been described in various studies. They have been found to lead to cardiovascular disorders, risk of diabetes, weight gain, brittle bones, pancreatic cancer, muscle weakness, and more. In a new study, researchers from Lund…
Aggressive prostate cancer – what are the alternatives?
Most prostate neoplasias are relatively non-invasive and slow-growing – the 5-year survival rate is over 98%. The relatively slow progression and late onset of most prostate tumors means that many men live to old age despite diagnosis. Some prostate tumors, however, are much more aggressive than usual or are resistant to conventional treatment, posing serious…
Prostate specific antigen – what is it for?
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), also called gamma seminoprotein or kallikrein-3, is a glycoprotein secreted by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland. It is contained in the seminal fluid, ensuring its fluidity and the free movement of spermatozoa in it. It is also believed to liquefy the mucus of the uterine lining and allow sperm to…