Caffeine protects against prostate cancer

Caffeine protects against prostate cancer

Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. This shows a new study by the National Institute of Health of Italy, in collaboration with the state Institute of Epidemiology and Prevention of Diseases. Research results show that drinking a minimum of 3 cups of Italian coffee per day can halve the risk of prostate cancer. The study involved nearly 7,000 men who were monitored for four years, particularly their coffee preferences. They drank not only pure Italian coffee with caffeine, but also one without. However, according to the results, only this with caffeine can reduce the cancer cells formed in the body. “Our observations on cancer cells allow us to say that the good results in nearly 7,000 Italians are due mainly to the caffeine than to the other ingredients of the coffee we used,” commented Maria Donati, director of the Translational Medicine Laboratory. NEWS_MORE_BOX This is not the first study to prove the effects of caffeine against prostate cancer. In 2011, a team of scientists found that people who drink coffee regularly can prevent complications and death from prostate cancer. Italian espresso is one of the most popular in the world, and its preparation is a real ritual. No more than 7 grams of finely ground coffee is taken for it and it is always prepared on the spot. Most machines in Italy are high pressure, so that the drink is concentrated, aromatic and with a thicker cream.

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