Candidiasis – there are over 100 types of fungi

Candidiasis – there are over 100 types of fungi

Candidiasis is the second most common sexually transmitted disease. It affects both men and women. Very often in men, the disease is asymptomatic or with mild symptoms of itching and burning. In women, a vulvo-vaginal infection develops, which most often occurs with specific symptoms that aid diagnosis. Causative agent of candidiasis Candidiasis is a mycotic-fungal infection that is caused by fungal microorganisms belonging to the genus Candida. This genus includes over 100 species, of which about 10 are pathogenic to humans. Candida albicans is most often isolated in women with a fungal infection. Its frequency reaches 80-85% of cases of isolated mycotic causative agent. Other representatives of this genus are Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida tropicalis. Candida albicans is a fungus that is part of the normally existing microflora in healthy people. It can be isolated from the gastrointestinal tract or from the skin. Some of the strains found in the genitourinary system of the woman lead to the development of candidiasis. These strains have a well-defined ability to attach to vaginal epithelial cells. NEWS_MORE_BOX Ways of transmission of candidiasis Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis can be sexually transmitted. Another way of transferring the infection is by proximity, that is, from the organs normally colonized with mycotic microorganisms, it is transferred to the genitourinary system. Predisposing factors that contribute to the development of the disease are pregnancy, overweight or poorly controlled diabetes. Long-term use of antibiotics or other medications that weaken the body’s immune defenses are also a prerequisite for the clinical manifestation of candidiasis. Clinical symptoms of candidiasis Candidiasis can occur as an acute disease or in the form of a chronic relapsing condition – with periodic manifestation of the symptoms, most often when a woman’s immune defenses decline. In women, the disease most often manifests itself with certain symptoms, which are: Genital itching – which can be very pronounced; Specific genital discharge; Pain during intercourse. Fungal microorganisms cause an inflammatory reaction of the vaginal mucosa. It is red and swollen with exfoliation of the epithelial cells. The mucous membrane of the vagina is covered by a whitish plaque that can be easily removed. In rare cases, ulcerative changes of the mucous membrane may be observed. Characteristic of the species Candida glabrata is the involvement of the skin on the inner surface of the thighs. Making a diagnosis – candidiasis Very often, the woman’s symptoms and the changes found during the gynecological examination are enough to make the diagnosis – reddened and swollen mucous membrane of the vagina, a specific vaginal discharge that resembles curdled milk and intense itching.In order to prove the presence of a mycotic causative agent, native microscopy of vaginal secretions can be done or by microbiological examination with proof of a specific species that is the causative agent of the disease. Treatment of candidiasis Treatment of candidiasis requires treatment of both partners at the same time to achieve the best possible results. Imidazole preparations or triazole preparations are used. Treatment with other types of medication is also possible. Treatment can be carried out by oral therapy. It can be combined with topical medications for a better effect, creams and vaginal globules.

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