Carbonated drinks lower male fertility

Carbonated drinks lower male fertility

Hey there! So, check this out: Danish scientists dug deep into the link between what guys eat and drink and their reproductive health. According to Reuters, they found that guys who chug down more than a liter of high-caffeine fizzy drinks might be putting a damper on their fertility.

These scientists from Riggs Hospital in Copenhagen went and surveyed about 2,500 young men. And guess what? They found that those who guzzled soda had lower sperm counts and not-so-great quality sperm. In fact, their fertility dropped by more than 30%! Crazy, right? And get this, it’s not just caffeine at play here. Dr. Tina Kold Jensen, the head honcho of the research team, says it’s the other stuff in those drinks, like synthetic sweeteners and colors, that could be messing with sperm counts.

But hold up, there’s more. It’s not just about what’s in those cans. Folks who gulp down tons of soda tend to live a pretty unhealthy lifestyle overall. They munch on a lot of processed foods, high in calories and salt, and skimp on the good stuff like fruits and veggies. Experts are saying this whole package deal could be a double whammy for sperm health.

So, if you’re thinking about starting a family someday, maybe consider cutting back on those fizzy drinks. Your future little swimmers might thank you for it!

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