Chlamydia – the insidious killer of dreams

Chlamydia – the insidious killer of dreams

Chlamydia is one of those sexually transmitted infections that, in most cases, occurs without symptoms. ¾ of women and half of men with the infection do not suspect that they are carriers of chlamydia, which is also the leading reason for its wide distribution among the sexually active population. In other cases, symptoms appear one to three weeks after infection. Then, in women, complaints include: non-specific vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell, bleeding between menstrual bleeding, painful menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, fever, burning, itching of the genitals, pain during urination and during sex. In men, discharge of a whitish discharge from the head of the penis, burning and itching of the genital organ, pain and swelling of the testicles, and unpleasant, painful sensations when urinating are reported. Prophylactic testing for chlamydia is the only sure way to catch the infection in time. Every sexually active person is aware of when there is reason to perform a prophylactic examination: sex without precautions, change of partner, actual grounds for mistrust of the partner or one’s own “transgression”, polygamy, as well as changes in the natural state of the genitals. The presence of chlamydia is proven by laboratory testing of secretions taken from the urethra in men and the cervix in women. Urine and blood tests for chlamydia are also performed. In case of doubt, even retesting is advisable, as it is possible that sometimes the results are false positive or false negative. It is recommended, in case of suspected infection, to prefer the examination of secretions from the genital organs and to choose a reliable laboratory for its conduct. Chlamydial infection is treated with doxycycline or azithromycin, with both partners taking the therapy at the same time to prevent reinfection. It takes one to two weeks, after which a control test for chlamydia is performed. If necessary, the therapy is continued. Chlamydia is stubborn. It is recommended to avoid sexual contact during the treatment. For women with recurrent cases, hospitalization and intravenous treatment are undertaken. It is essential to deal with chlamydia to achieve a negative result in control laboratory tests. Otherwise, chlamydia could multiply and cause serious damage to the reproductive system again without the affected person suspecting it. One of the leading causes of infertility in women is the unrecognized and untreated chlamydia infection. Untreated chlamydial infection also affects men. In them, it is the cause of non-gonococcal urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), epididymitis (inflammation of the appendages of the testicles) and proctitis (inflammation of the rectum). Obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women is preceded by the growth of the chlamydial infection and its entry into the uterus, its appendages and the organs of the small pelvis. Pelvic inflammatory disease develops,which takes away a woman’s ability to conceive naturally. NEWS_MORE_BOX As a result of pelvic inflammatory disease, the patency of the fallopian tubes can be affected in whole or in part. When they are completely blocked, the penetration and meeting of the spermatozoa in the tube and, accordingly, natural conception is prevented. Cases where pipes remain impassable are even considered more dangerous. Then it is possible for sperm to pass through them and fertilize the ovum released during ovulation. The fertilized egg begins to divide and grow while still in the tube. However, its natural movement to the uterus is hindered by internal blockages and adhesions of the tube to other organs in the pelvis, which takes away from its natural mobility, which helps this process. The growth of the “stuck” fertilized egg cell in the tube causes its rupture and hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity, which is particularly risky for the health and life of the woman. The condition is known as an ectopic pregnancy. It is distinguished by severe unbearable pain in the abdomen. Chlamydia infection before (before the infection leads to complications) or during pregnancy carries a risk of premature birth and its transmission to the newborn at birth, as a result of which he is at risk of developing an eye infection, sepsis, pneumonia. Precautions against chlamydia are the usual, as against all sexually transmitted diseases – to take measures for safe sex, limiting the number of partners, maintaining good sexual health and timely treatment and complete cure.Precautions against chlamydia are the usual, as against all sexually transmitted diseases – to take measures for safe sex, limiting the number of partners, maintaining good sexual health and timely treatment and complete cure.Precautions against chlamydia are the usual, as against all sexually transmitted diseases – to take measures for safe sex, limiting the number of partners, maintaining good sexual health and timely treatment and complete cure.

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