Climacterium – a new stage of women’s life

Climacterium – a new stage of women’s life

Climacterium is a stage of women’s life during which there is an irreversible reverse development of the organs of the female reproductive system. The main feature of this period is the cessation of menstruation, which is in response to changes in the levels of female sex hormones. In women, climacteric or menopause occurs around the age of 50. The onset of menopause is a smooth process, the beginning of which begins about 6 – 10 years before the onset of i. This period is referred to as premenopausal. Through it, changes occur in the female organism, associated with a decrease in hormonal levels – mainly progesterone. The period after menopause is referred to as postmenopausal. Female sex hormones – progesterone and estrogens are synthesized by the ovaries. Their synthesis is controlled by gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Climax is a process in which the ovaries become less sensitive to the hormones that control them. For this reason, the first signs of entering the premenopausal period appear. Anovulatory cycles – they lack the occurrence of ovulation before bleeding. Over time, they become more frequent. Bleeding outside the monthly cycle may occur during this period, the occurrence of which is not related to the disturbed hormonal levels. Endometrial hyperplasia or the formation of uterine fibroids, the symptom of which is the appearance of vaginal bleeding, is much more often observed during this stage. Reaching amenorrhea – absence of menstruation, the duration of which is more than one year, determines the onset of menopause in a woman. NEWS_MORE_BOX Changes in the monthly cycle – during the period of premenopause, there are changes in the monthly cycle of a woman. The duration of menstruation may be reduced and the amount of blood released may be less. Changes in the mucous membrane of the vagina – these are the result of reduced progesterone secretion. The vaginal structure changes and a sensation of dryness is reached. These changes are accompanied by a feeling of itching and soreness during sexual intercourse. Changes in the woman’s nervous-vegetative system – common problems are night sweats and the appearance of hot flashes. Many women experience frequent mood swings and are prone to depression. Skin changes – during premenopause and menopause, a woman’s skin loses its elasticity and becomes rougher. This change is due to the reduced synthesis of female sex hormones that stimulate the formation of collagen. The postmenopausal period is characterized by a drop in the hormonal levels of both progesterone and estrogen. This stage also lasts about 10 years, after which the woman passes into old age. Through it, the nervous-vegetative changes are enhanced. One of the main problems that women face during menopause is osteoporosis. In this condition, the bone structure is disturbed and women are more prone to fractures.The intake of calcium preparations and those containing vitamin D help to slow down the development of the disease. The main method by which bone density is monitored is densitometry, since in the initial years the process is asymptomatic, women have no complaints, since the disorders are in the initial stage. Hormonal or non-hormonal preparations can be used to reduce the symptoms characteristic of the menopause period. Avoidance of estrogen hormone preparations is aimed at reducing the risk of developing a malignant neoplasm of the breast.

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