“Condom yourself” against AIDS

“Condom yourself” against AIDS

Traditionally, December 1 is celebrated as World AIDS Day. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome increases its prevalence every year and affects more and more young people. Despite the efforts of health institutions and non-governmental organizations to popularize the problem. A quarter of a century after the beginning of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, there is no part of the world that is not affected by the disease. So far, the victims of the disease are more than 25 million people. Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the region most affected by the epidemic. The first World AIDS Day was celebrated in 1988. At that time, the World Health Organization (WHO) aimed to focus public attention on the problems of HIV/AIDS and to emphasize the need for support and understanding towards the infected. Over 33 million people worldwide are living with the HIV virus. According to a WHO report, every 12 seconds a person becomes infected with the deadly virus, and every 16 a person dies of AIDS. In Bulgaria, according to the latest data, the officially registered HIV-seropositive persons are 1252, but according to experts, the real number of infected people is about 4000. The difference in the number is due to the prolonged absence of visible symptoms in the disease – between 5 and 10 years. For this reason, a large part of people do not know that they are infected, experts warn. The age limit of HIV-positive people in our country is very wide – from 15 to 66 years, and this year a critical lowering of the lower age limit was observed. The fact that over 52% of the newly registered are young people aged between 15-29 is particularly worrying. “Protect yourself” is the motto of the National AIDS Campaign 2010. It is organized for the seventh year in a row on the initiative of the “HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control” Program of the Ministry of Health and the “ANTISPIN” Coalition. The campaign is primarily aimed at the most at-risk group – young people. Its purpose is to promote risk-free sexual behavior, the use of condoms, as well as a tolerant attitude towards people living with the insidious disease. Through the play on words in the title of the campaign, it is aimed in an original way to attract the attention of young people, to remind them and provoke them to protect themselves. This is of particular importance, considering the statistics – half of the young people in our country start their sexual life at the age of 16-17. Approximately 40% of them declare that they do not use a condom at their first sexual contact. The National AIDS campaign will take place in three key stages related to the World AIDS Day – December 1, Valentine’s Day – February 14 and the International Day of Empathy with those affected by HIV/AIDS, which is celebrated on the third Sunday of May. During the first stage of the campaign, it is planned to distribute more than 200,000 condoms and 200,000 cards with the campaign motto and information about the offices for anonymous and free HIV/AIDS counseling and testing (KABCIS).Many initiatives are also planned to distribute red ribbons – a symbol of the fight against AIDS. The goal is to enable as many people as possible to receive and wear on December 1 the symbol of the fight against AIDS, as a sign of empathy.

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