Depression leads to sexual problems

Depression leads to sexual problems

A state of depression that “goes along” with sexual problems is a common phenomenon. The inability to reach orgasm, as well as erectile dysfunction, are often associated with depression. The good news is that doctors are aware of this problem and have adequate treatment. What is the relationship between depression and sexual problems? Sexual desire starts in the brain. Specific chemicals known as neurotransmitters then “carry” it to other parts of the body. These substances improve the “communication” between brain cells, which leads to the influx of blood to the genitals. The problem that comes with depression, as with other negative moods, is that these chemicals lose their balance. Another frequently asked question is: Do antidepressants cause sexual problems? In general, the effect of antidepressants is to elevate mood. However, some types have side effects that could also lead to sexual problems. The action of these medications is due to the improvement of the balance of chemical substances in the brain. However, the same substances are also involved in the “sexual response”. By changing their balance, antidepressants can also lead to sexual dysfunction. NEWS_MORE_BOX Problems caused by antidepressants may include: inability to initiate or enjoy sexual intercourse; erectile dysfunction, in men; decreased sexual desire; inability to reach orgasm. In order to make the best decision to deal with the problem, we should turn to a doctor who will give advice or prescribe another medication to help the situation in the most effective way.

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