Diseases of the female reproductive organs – timely detection

Diseases of the female reproductive organs – timely detection

Many ladies are of the opinion that the examination of the female reproductive organs – uterus and ovaries – are the subject of research only and only by a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. The truth is that during an extensive and comprehensive ultrasound examination, apart from the organs in the abdominal cavity, those in the pelvis are also very well seen. In most cases, patients undergo an ultrasound examination for another disease. But with a thorough examination of all organs, it is possible to detect changes in the reproductive organs. They may not yet present with clinical symptoms, but precede the development of more serious problems. Some diseases of the uterus are endometrial polyps, myomatous node, carcinoma. Endometrial polyps are normal tissue that grows inward into the uterine cavity. They vary in size and originate from the inner layer of the uterus. They usually do not present with symptoms. When they break down, bleeding can occur. A fibroid is a benign formation originating from the muscle layer of the uterus. It develops most often during childbearing years. These formations are of different sizes. In neglected cases, they can reach huge sizes and cause compression of abdominal organs. Fibroids are often discovered during a random examination, as there are no early symptoms. Complaints are common – a feeling of swelling, heaviness in the abdomen, and at a later stage, bleeding. The ultrasound examination gives a clear image of the uterine body, its size, shape, the exact location of the nodes can be seen. It is of great importance to regularly monitor the myoma, whether it changes its size, structure, whether it is a single nodule or multiple. It is important to know that this benign tumor is hormone dependent. Its growth is largely determined by the level of estrogens in the blood – its size increases during estrogen therapy and pregnancy and decreases during menopause. Ultrasound can also show whether necrosis has occurred in the nodule and whether cystic changes are present. Control examinations are done every 6 months. The peak incidence of uterine cancer is around age 50. Most often it is adenocarcinoma. As with fibroids, there are no early symptoms. Genital bleeding, especially during the postmenopausal period, is an alarming sign. Pain in the lower abdomen is already a late symptom. During a prophylactic ultrasound examination, the tumor formation can be clearly demarcated, its boundaries and dimensions can be determined, as well as its relation to the rest of the structures in the small pelvis. Its discovery during an incidental ultrasound examination marks the beginning of the directed search for the final diagnosis. For this purpose, both imaging and laboratory methods are used. NEWS_MORE_BOX Among ovarian diseases, cysts are the most common incidental finding. The small cysts that the ovaries form in relation to their function are called follicles.At the onset of puberty, some of them periodically begin to grow and, upon reaching full maturity, release an egg cell. This means that with normal function the ovaries form cysts and this process is physiological. In individual cases, however, cysts are formed as a consequence of disease processes. These are formations over 30 mm in size. or when on follow-up it does not disappear spontaneously for more than 3-5 months. Most of them are asymptomatic and are found accidentally during a prophylactic ultrasound examination. Complaints depend on the type of cyst and its size. Usually the symptoms are heaviness and moderate pain in the lower abdomen, deviations from the normal menstrual cycle. Ultrasound is extremely important for the correct diagnosis and differentiation of different types of cysts. During the examination, the following characteristics of the cysts are determined: size, shape; number of cyst chambers; presence or absence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ovarian carcinoma is the sixth most common cancer in women. Women over 40 ovulating years are at risk if they have a mother or sister with ovarian cancer, late menopause, and others. It is recommended to carry out regular preventive examinations for at-risk families. There are no characteristic early symptoms, abdominal discomfort, digestive disturbances are noticeable, in most cases there is no pain. In the later stages, infection, bleeding, pain may develop. Various tests are needed to make the diagnosis: tumor markers, immunodiagnosis, ultrasound examination to determine the size and consistency of the tumor, as well as other imaging methods.In the later stages, infection, bleeding, pain may develop. Various tests are needed to make the diagnosis: tumor markers, immunodiagnosis, ultrasound examination to determine the size and consistency of the tumor, as well as other imaging methods.In the later stages, infection, bleeding, pain may develop. Various tests are needed to make the diagnosis: tumor markers, immunodiagnosis, ultrasound examination to determine the size and consistency of the tumor, as well as other imaging methods.

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