Does sex help or hinder sleep?

Does sex help or hinder sleep?

If we believe the classic notions, sex should be done most often in the evening before going to bed. The reason is that sex is mainly associated with bed. However, the bed is also associated with sleep. And unlike sex, there is no other way to get sleep than through bed. In such a case, it would be very important to ascertain whether these two important pursuits do not interfere with each other. It turns out that although they compete for dominance in bed, sex and sleep go together in a very interesting way. Studies show that the quality of sleep should in no way be disturbed by sex before bed. Taking into account the influence of love games on the state of biochemical processes in the body, scientists found that sex before bedtime can only be associated with a more restful and fulfilling sleep. The beneficial influence of sex on sleep is explained by 3 key effects: During sex, the secretion of oxytocin increases – a hormone that creates the feeling of closeness with the partner, which relieves physical and emotional stress; The secretion of the stress hormone – cortisol is suppressed; During orgasm, the production of another hormone is stimulated – prolactin, which relaxes the muscles, creates a feeling of sleepiness and facilitates falling asleep; NEWS_MORE_BOX These effects show that sex before bed has both an emotional and physical positive impact on sleep. Studies prove that evening sex can also be used as a remedy against insomnia. Its beneficial effect on chronic sleep problems, especially in women, is well-studied. It is explained by the increased sensitivity of women to stress and emotional tension (the main provoking factors for sleep problems) and by the reducing influence of sex in the evening. Research shows that on nights when they had sex, women slept about an hour and a half more. It has been established that the positive influence of sex on women’s sleep is due to a greater extent to the positive effect on the secretion of oxytocin. In men, the influence of the other hormone – prolactin – is dominant in improving sleep after sex.

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