Does the size of the vagina matter?

Does the size of the vagina matter?

How much the size of the vagina affects the pleasure of sex is a question that excites women and men not recently. Although this is a topic that is often thrown around in men’s company, women feel no less concern about this addiction. Mainly, their concerns come because of the changes that occur in the vagina after childbirth. Although we are in the 21st century and in the last 10-15 years some experience and observations have been accumulated in this direction from the practice of plastic surgery clinics, specialists can also hardly formulate their opinion on the matter. In fact, there is hardly any other organ in the human body as helpful as the female vagina. It is particularly elastic and adaptable. It can hold a normal tampon used during menstruation and pass the head and body of a baby without any problem. The walls of the vagina somewhat resemble those of the stomach, “contracting” when they are at rest and stretching when the organs perform their functions. The size of the vagina changes regardless of childbirth. The first study in this direction dates back to 1960. From the data of 100 nulliparous women, the researchers found that the length of the vagina varied from 7 to 8.3 cm in a relaxed state. In an excited state, it stretches to 10.8 – 12 cm. This means that it increases by 1/3, which can also explain the unpleasant and painful sensations of a woman when penetrating her vagina in a non-excited state. Before the specialists, many of the women share about certain discomfort during sex, which is described in the case of a short or narrow vagina. In some, the complaints are due to prolapse of the uterus, bladder or other abdominal organs, which occurs as a result of childbirth in some women. Plastic surgeons for vaginal reconstruction are usually approached by women of the fairer sex who feel that the change affects their level of pleasure in sex. Such operations and, accordingly, the development of a system for measuring women’s satisfaction with surgical intervention date back to 1996. Vaginal relaxation, according to the observations of specialists, shows that it is due to weakening of local muscles or traumatic changes in the genital area. The problem can be avoided, they believe. Women who have good conscious control of the muscles at the entrance to the vagina are able to adjust the size of their vagina and restore the tone of the vaginal walls. For this purpose, Kegel exercises are extremely useful, helping women to experience full pleasure from sex again. NEWS_MORE_BOX A study published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2008 showed a drastic difference in vaginal intercourse satisfaction between women who had resorted to exercise and those who had not.What are Kegel exercises? When inserting a finger into the vagina, the woman should try to engage and contract her muscles so that her walls come close to it. It is necessary to continue the tightening for 5-10 seconds. It is desirable to practice this contraction and relaxation 10-20 times, trying not to involve the muscles of the legs, stomach or buttocks. Applying it 3 times a day promises to restore the tone of the vagina and the pleasure of sex. There are women who, due to damage to some local nerves at birth, are unable to control these muscles. The failure of most is due to not mastering the technique of the exercise. In this case, they need a little help from a specialist. The truth is, however, that the pleasure of sex depends much more on good relationships between intimate partners and lubricating secretions and lubricants than on the size of the vagina. A study of 500 women over the age of 40, published in the International Urogynecology Journal in 2010, showed that desire, arousal, orgasm and satisfaction during intercourse were independent of vaginal size. They, it turns out, are dependent on experience, body weight and the fullness of the relationship. It is not so much the physical parameters as sharing with each other between partners that creates the pleasure of sex, the researchers are categorical.

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