Erectile dysfunction is not always due to illness!

Erectile dysfunction is not always due to illness!

A young handsome boy walks into my office. His whole aura creates a feeling of anxiety and tension. After a minute, sitting on the sofa, he begins his story in a quiet and uncertain voice. “I broke up with my girlfriend six months ago. I loved her very much and she chose to be with my best friend. It completely killed me. I shut myself down and didn’t leave the house for several days. Then my mother, who is a psychiatrist, decided that I have depression and after consultation with her colleague I was prescribed antidepressants. Since I had never taken such preparations before, I read the leaflet and saw that these medications can damage the erection. This worried me a lot, as one one of the reasons for breaking up with my girlfriend was an accident, which she interpreted as very painful. A week after I started taking the anti-depressant, I noticed that my morning erection was gone got without my penis being completely hard. I was scared that the pills in question would make me permanently impotent. The more I searched the internet, the more I learned about my erectile dysfunction function is permanently damaged. Finally, I got scared and shared my worries with my mother, and she called a urologist she knew, with whom she made an appointment. The guy examined me and said I was most likely fine, but sent me to get a hormone profile, cholesterol and triglycerides done just in case. Although the results were normal, the urologist decided to treat me with some hormonal preparation. This further reinforced my feeling that I must be suffering from some serious illness, but the doctors try to reassure me by telling me that I am fine. And so I haven’t been with a woman for half a year, and just the thought of such a possibility fills me with real horror. What if I can’t get aroused or lose my erection? It would certainly indicate that I have erectile dysfunction, which is why no woman would want to be with me. In this situation, is it worth living at all!” What analysis can we make of this touching story? 1. The depressive reaction when parting with a loved one is something natural and common. This temporary state of depression has nothing to do with “depressive disorder”, which necessitates medication and hospitalization in a psychiatric institution. The challenge for any mature person is to develop skills to overcome such losses and to build attitudes that allow one to move forward antidepressants on erection, in such a situation, psychotherapeutic support would be much more adequate. Unfortunately, many older doctors have no idea about the possibilities of modern psychotherapy and prefer to rely on pills 2.Even if the support of an antidepressant is used, it is mandatory for the psychiatrist to warn the patient about possible side effects in order to prevent possible anxiety reactions and unnecessary fears. If this had happened, the apocalyptic thought of “permanent impotence” would not have taken root in our patient’s mind. NEWS_MORE_BOX 3. A common point in the practice of urologists when working with men who share erectile problems is to initially rule out an organic disorder, settling for explanations such as “psychological basis” or “psychological soil”. What the affected man needs, however, is an intelligible representation of the mechanisms by which anxiety and self-surveillance cause spasm of the penile arteries and render erection impossible. 4. Therapeutic support in such a situation does not mean “enhancement of sexuality” through unmotivated prescription of hormonal agents, but psychological support to cope with the feeling of loss, support and motivation to establish new social contacts and strengthen the confidence that a possible new relationship gives a chance for a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship. Since in a situation similar to the one described above, a person often tends to self-monitor and thus prevent the spontaneous occurrence of an erection in an erotic interaction with a sexual partner, an important element of support to overcome the problem is the temporary use of a PDE5 inhibitor. These are the most modern means that facilitate the emergence of an erection during an erotic experience and ensure its stability during contact, as they block the natural mechanisms for ending the erection. After several successful contacts, the dose of these preparations can be gradually reduced and they can be stopped. Thus, such dramatic episodes would be overcome elegantly and safely.that a possible new relationship offers a chance for a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship. Since in a situation similar to the one described above, a person often tends to self-monitor and thus prevent the spontaneous occurrence of an erection in an erotic interaction with a sexual partner, an important element of support to overcome the problem is the temporary use of a PDE5 inhibitor. These are the most modern means that facilitate the emergence of an erection during an erotic experience and ensure its stability during contact, as they block the natural mechanisms for ending the erection. After several successful contacts, the dose of these preparations can be gradually reduced and they can be stopped. Thus, such dramatic episodes would be overcome elegantly and safely.that a possible new relationship offers a chance for a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship. Since in a situation similar to the one described above, a person often tends to self-monitor and thus prevent the spontaneous occurrence of an erection in an erotic interaction with a sexual partner, an important element of support to overcome the problem is the temporary use of a PDE5 inhibitor. These are the most modern means that facilitate the emergence of an erection during an erotic experience and ensure its stability during contact, as they block the natural mechanisms for ending the erection. After several successful contacts, the dose of these preparations can be gradually reduced and they can be stopped. Thus, such dramatic episodes would be overcome elegantly and safely.

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