Extract helps with difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate

Extract helps with difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate

Difficulty urinating and a symptom that scares the man. Less so than the frequent calls at night, but actually both symptoms are equally alarming and both can be a sign of an enlarged prostate. The condition is common in men after 60 years, which is why research and consultation with a specialist is the solution when problems with urination occur, rather than useless anxiety and suppression. Enlargement of the prostate is a consequence of natural physiological processes and hormonal changes in the male organism with advancing age. In most cases, it concerns benign hyperplasia, and in extremely rare cases it may be a signal of a malignant process. What changes with age that this problem appears in men? As we age, testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone more and more rapidly. The latter binds to the cellular receptors of the cells in the prostate gland and becomes a catalyst for the growth of this tissue, which is the cause of the pressure on the urethra and difficulty urinating. Frequent urges to urinate at night in this case are also due to the compression of the urethra and the inability to expel urine from the bladder at once. Therefore, the process is often done in smaller quantities. Such retention of urine in the bladder, however, also carries an increased risk of its damage and inflammation of the excretory system, especially the kidneys. One of the nutritional supplements that show an effect on the problem is the extract from the fruits of the exotic Sao palmetto tree. The ripe fruits of this low palm have the property of slowing down the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone and its contact with the cellular receptors of the prostate and, accordingly, the enlargement of the gland and the appearance of its accompanying signs. Their combination with Java tea extract or orthosiphon gives the nutritional supplement the additional advantage of relieving inflammatory processes and suppressing the development of infections. This herb supports the work of the excretory system and enhances the action of useful fruit extracts. The content of selenium with its immunomodulating and antioxidant properties also plays a positive role in urodynamic indicators in the condition of an enlarged prostate. You can find products for men’s self-esteem at the Puls.bg pharmacy

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