Facts about love and sex you didn’t know

Facts about love and sex you didn’t know

Spouses may have similar DNA Scientists are now aware that mate selection is based on similar characteristics such as race, age, religion, income, upbringing. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found, however, that people tend to marry someone who has similar DNA to them. When the experts examined the genetic material of 825 white American couples, they found fewer differences in the DNA between married people compared to the DNA between randomly selected participants. Low cholesterol improves performance in bed In addition to harming the heart, high cholesterol also contributes to erectile dysfunction in men. In fact, this male problem can act as a warning sign of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, men who take statins or other cholesterol-lowering drugs tend to improve their sexual function. This is according to the results of a study by researchers from Rutgers University’s Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Of course, statins should not be prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction, as it may be due to other physical or emotional problems. NEWS_MORE_BOX Women’s voices may sound sexier, but not men’s Albright University scientists have found that women are capable of deliberately manipulating their voices to sound more attractive to the opposite sex. However, when men try to do so, their voices sound worse. And what is the preferred female voice in the ears of the stronger sex? These are the higher and feminine voices. However, when she lowers her voice to make it sound sexier, that’s when she declares her interest.

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