Female masturbation. Why should it be a taboo subject?

Female masturbation. Why should it be a taboo subject?

Masturbation… Masturbation is a way to stimulate yourself sexually. Masturbation is achieved by hand, sex accessories, some highly sensitive women succeed by rubbing their thighs against each other. Exceptions are those who experience sexual arousal without physical touch on the genitals, but only by stroking the breasts. Self-stimulation often leads to orgasm, although this is not necessary, as many women enjoy the sensations without wanting to climax. Unlike men, who begin to masturbate with the onset of puberty, women succumb to self-stimulation at a much later period, the manner of performance and the purpose being significantly different from the act performed by men and boys. Most women discover masturbation in their 20s, some never. Even after learning to stimulate herself sexually, a woman masturbates much less often than a man. The exception is women, who reach the frequency of the representatives of the stronger sex. The opinion of most specialists is that this is due to the underlying different potency in men and women, it is normal for a man to be twice as sexual as a woman. This feature is due to the variable levels of female sex hormones, on which the desire for sex in a woman depends. In men, sex hormone levels are relatively constant. Another reason lies in the anatomical features of the body in both sexes. In men, the genitals are outside the body, which determines the focus of attention for achieving pleasure on the penis from an early age. Female genitals are “hidden”, then the orgasm itself is not so obvious. The clitoris, which is the main organ for achieving sexual pleasure in most women, is “tucked away” between the labia. Furthermore, girls have been brought up much longer over the generations in restraint and even neglect of their sexual sensitivities. Masturbation – is it shameful? Years ago, girls were taught that masturbation is a manifestation of immaturity and even that it harms sexual communication with a partner. However, modern experts completely deny such claims. On the contrary, numerous clinical studies and developments concerning sexual behavior and therapeutic approaches to strengthening the relationship between two partners indicate that it is essential for the strength of the relationship that the woman explores her own intimate sensations through masturbation, then shares what she learns with your partner. Masturbating is not seen as a “shameful act”. It is a natural action for a woman who is healthy in every way. It is only of concern when a woman resorts to masturbating to improve her mood during stressful events or does it regularly despite having a partner by her side. Nowadays, many young women enjoy masturbating during sexual play with their partner. Are there any benefits?Masturbation offers a suitable way for a woman to experience orgasm.When a woman does not know what orgasm is, what can make her reach this peak pleasure, it is good to achieve this climax through stimulation alone. This is more than a good suggestion for a woman to avoid an intrusive and oppressive feeling of frigidity. Masturbation provides an opportunity to get to know one’s own body and is a safe way to reach orgasm. Like any skill, it requires experience, caution against injury, and taking enough time to calmly study the body. At the same time, it is recommended that the woman does not avoid the mirror. Spicy details Most women take pleasure in using their fingers, changing the speed of movement and the force of pressure. An accessory such as a vibrator can help to achieve a vaginal orgasm, the strength of which is greater and gives the woman a chance to achieve the desired climax during sexual intercourse with her partner. These accessories have their own characteristics that must be taken into account when purchase and in case the target is not reached. There are some available that have been developed specifically by female sex therapists. Similar is Emotional Bliss, designed by Julia Cole, who is one of the UK’s foremost experts in relationship therapy, including sexual, for married couples. The provision of a suitable lubricant is also required to prevent injury to the vaginal mucosa.

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