For the ovarian cyst. Women’s health with Prof. Kostov

For the ovarian cyst. Women’s health with Prof. Kostov

Almost half of the patients who come to me with a gynecological problem end up with some kind of ovarian cyst. I find this quite alarming because it seems the modern woman’s lifestyle is putting her health at risk more and more. You must have heard all kinds of opinions from the reassuring “It’s normal and safe.”, to the startling – “The cyst leads to cancer!” However, what is an ovarian cyst? We must clarify that the ovary is an organ that is purely functionally related to the formation of cysts. In fact, the small cysts that appear on the ovaries are medically called follicles. They contain the ovum and their appearance, growth and rupture represent the process called ovulation. And ovulation, we all know it’s necessary. There are two main types of cysts – functional and so-called organic cysts, which have different names and manifestations. Functional cysts are follicular and luteal. A follicular cyst is formed when the ovarian follicle does not release an egg, but continues to fill with clear fluid. The consequence is that its size increases and it becomes a cyst. In principle, these cysts are not dangerous and do not require treatment, because after a few months the body discards them by itself. When the cyst continues to enlarge, there are also such cases, it can reach the size of an apple, and this is already a serious problem. It presses on other organs, causing pain and disturbance in their functions. It is in these cases, when the cyst enlarges and begins to exceed seven centimeters in diameter, that medical treatment or direct removal should be started. Lutein cysts have a different mechanism of formation. They occur when the follicle opens, your body’s normal processes begin, but then it fills with bloody fluid and closes again. These cysts may cause menstrual disturbances and pain, as well as rupture, causing painful symptoms. But just like follicular, they usually go away on their own and don’t necessarily need to be treated. With regular use of birth control pills, there is almost a 100% chance of preventing the formation of functional cysts. I pay special attention that this, of course, does not mean that you should prescribe such medications yourself. This should always, always, only be done after consultation with a gynecologist and with a medication suitable for the specific case. Organic cysts are this type of cysts that have a more complex origin and it can be very diverse. Since they can degenerate into cancer, their surgical removal is a must! Polycystic ovaries Another common problem in women is polycystic ovaries. This diagnosis is often associated with possible infertility, and this is actually not impossible. Why? Because with this state of the ovaries, ovulation very often does not exist. What is happening? On average, about 10-20 follicles begin to mature in each ovary, but they do not fully develop and remain in the body.As a result, new and new follicles appear on the ovaries. Therefore, ovulation almost disappears, and menstruation becomes very abundant. Over time, however, due to the large number of follicles, the release of certain hormones into the blood also increases. This leads to an imbalance in the functioning of the body, and as a result, the woman’s cycles stop, weight gain, excessive hair growth, and the appearance of acne are possible. I want to reassure you right away that the treatment of polycystic ovaries is completely possible. It is usually performed with medication, but in more severe cases, an operation is performed, which is not dangerous. These are the most common and basic cases of ovarian cysts. NEWS_MORE_BOX As a doctor, I have noticed that there is a huge correlation between a woman’s emotional state and the occurrence of cysts. This is explained by the fact that the ovaries are controlled by the pituitary gland and, if you are very nervous and restless, it is possible that the wrong signals are sent to them and thus their function is disturbed. So ladies, take care of yourselves. I tell all my patients that. Symptoms Unfortunately, the symptoms of an ovarian cyst are too common to be indicative without a thorough examination. Most often these are pains down the middle or one-sided, very strong or very weak menstruation is possible, heavy discharge, sometimes with a slightly bloody color, as well as severe, painful cramps (usually when the cyst bursts). You may have a cyst without even suspecting it, because in many cases there are no symptoms. What is torsion? The cyst is attached with a “foot” – the place from which the blood vessels feeding the ovary enter. This allows it to have some mobility relative to the surrounding tissue. When, for some reason, it turns or twists around another organ, the so-called “torsion” occurs. I am often asked what is the difference between a cyst and a tumor? In a word – significant. And, more specifically, the term tumor is a more general concept. When it is presented as a liquid with an outer membrane it is called a cyst. If there is no fluid, but it is filled with dense tissue, then it is a solid tumor. As combinations of both are possible. To avoid complications with cysts, the most important thing is to visit a good gynecologist regularly. A recommended period is every other month, in case you have not found any serious problems.that there is a huge connection between a woman’s emotional state and the appearance of cysts. This is explained by the fact that the ovaries are controlled by the pituitary gland and, if you are very nervous and restless, it is possible that the wrong signals are sent to them and thus their function is disturbed. So ladies, take care of yourselves. I tell all my patients that. Symptoms Unfortunately, the symptoms of an ovarian cyst are too common to be indicative without a thorough examination. Most often these are pains down the middle or one-sided, very strong or very weak menstruation is possible, heavy discharge, sometimes with a slightly bloody color, as well as severe, painful cramps (usually when the cyst bursts). You may have a cyst without even suspecting it, because in many cases there are no symptoms. What is torsion? The cyst is attached with a “foot” – the place from which the blood vessels feeding the ovary enter. This allows it to have some mobility relative to the surrounding tissue. When, for some reason, it turns or twists around another organ, the so-called “torsion” occurs. I am often asked what is the difference between a cyst and a tumor? In a word – significant. And, more specifically, the term tumor is a more general concept. When it is presented as a fluid with an outer membrane it is called a cyst. If there is no fluid, but it is filled with dense tissue, then it is a solid tumor. As combinations of both are possible. To avoid complications with cysts, the most important thing is to visit a good gynecologist regularly. A recommended period is every other month, in case you have not found any serious problems.that there is a huge connection between a woman’s emotional state and the appearance of cysts. This is explained by the fact that the ovaries are controlled by the pituitary gland and, if you are very nervous and restless, it is possible that the wrong signals are sent to them and thus their function is disturbed. So ladies, take care of yourselves. I tell all my patients that. Symptoms Unfortunately, the symptoms of an ovarian cyst are too common to be indicative without a thorough examination. Most often these are pains down the middle or one-sided, very strong or very weak menstruation is possible, heavy discharge, sometimes with a slightly bloody color, as well as severe, painful cramps (usually when the cyst bursts). You may have a cyst without even suspecting it, because in many cases there are no symptoms. What is torsion? The cyst is attached with a “foot” – the place from which the blood vessels feeding the ovary enter. This allows it to have some mobility relative to the surrounding tissues. When, for some reason, it turns or twists around another organ, the so-called “torsion” occurs. I am often asked what is the difference between a cyst and a tumor? In a word – significant. And, more specifically, the term tumor is a more general concept. When it is presented as a liquid with an outer membrane it is called a cyst. If there is no fluid, but it is filled with dense tissue, then it is a solid tumor. As combinations of both are possible. To avoid complications with cysts, the most important thing is to visit a good gynecologist regularly. A recommended period is every other month, in case you have not found any serious problems.As combinations of both are possible. To avoid complications with cysts, the most important thing is to visit a good gynecologist regularly. A recommended period is every other month, in case you have not found any serious problems.As combinations of both are possible. To avoid complications with cysts, the most important thing is to visit a good gynecologist regularly. A recommended period is every other month, in case you have not found any serious problems.

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