For the prostate cancer early detection test…

For the prostate cancer early detection test…

Specialists are of the opinion that the results of a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test are not sufficient to make a diagnosis, but on the contrary, a follow-up examination is necessary to confirm or reject the possibility of the presence of a cancer process. It should be borne in mind that three out of four prostate tests performed show high levels of prostate-specific antigen, yet no tumor formation develops. False and vain anxiety is stressful for a man. A minimal risk of infections when taking a biopsy is not excluded, but it is a much better option that the worries turned out to be in vain than not stopping the development of a life-threatening process in the body in time, experts explain. They recommend the test to men in a risk group or with a family history of the disease. Preventive screening is aimed at men over the age of 50. It is held once a year. The prostate-specific antigen test is one of the screening tests or early targeted detection of prostate cancer. It is easy to perform, looks for prostate specific antigen. This is a specific protein that is released from the prostate into the blood and is usually increased when cancer is present. NEWS_MORE_BOX On positive results, ie. high levels of prostate-specific antigen, a biopsy is imperative. In this procedure, cells or a small piece of tissue are taken and examined under a microscope for the presence of cancerous changes. It is important to know that prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that usually starts from the outer part of the gland. In most men, this process develops very slowly. In fact, many of them don’t even know they have prostate cancer. Early cancer is confined to the gland itself and years may pass before symptoms appear.

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