Frequent orgasms rejuvenate us

Frequent orgasms rejuvenate us

Sex is no longer just a way of giving pleasure, its health benefits have also been proven. According to experts, having an orgasm three or more times a week extends life and makes us 10 years younger. They concluded that orgasm in men reduces the risk of prostate cancer and in women of breast cancer. It increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, which reduces cognitive decline, improves concentration and memory. Previous studies have found that sex increases immunoglobulin levels by 30%. These are cells of the immune system that fight against harmful microorganisms. Their increased levels reduce the risk of infections and inflammations and strengthen the immune defense. The researchers analyzed the data of several couples and found that the sexually active ones had about 350 orgasms a year, which increased their duration by 4 years. 700 orgasms per year – with 8 years, etc. Some sexologists are of the opinion that with a proper diet, physical activity and lots of sex you can live “forever”. In addition to prolonging life, orgasm makes us look several years younger, experts add. They found that those who had sex three times a week looked 7-10 years younger.

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