Genital herpes – less than half of those infected know they carry the herpes virus

Genital herpes – less than half of those infected know they carry the herpes virus

A third of patients who visit clinics to monitor their sexual health are unaware that they are infected with genital herpes, a study by the University of Gothenburg, Switzerland, has found. The expert in skin and sexually transmitted infections from the Frolunda Specialist Hospital skin clinic, Matilda Berntsson, and a researcher from the Sahlgrenska Academy led the study. Their field investigation involved more than 1,000 men and women. Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2, which is transmitted through sexual contact and travels from the skin along the nerves to the nerve ganglia of the spinal cord, where it remains for the rest of the patient’s life. Although most people who are infected do not feel any discomfort, the virus can become active and be transmitted sexually. It can also manifest itself as a periodically recurring genital problem. 1,014 patients were tested for herpes simplex virus type 2, explains Berntson. An indication of the presence of the virus is the finding of antibodies in the blood. The results of the tests show that one in five women and one in ten men are infected with the virus. At the same time, only four out of ten patients know they are infected. One third of patients who are aware that they have an infection report typical symptoms in the form of recurrent genital blisters and sores when consulting a doctor. If an infection is suspected, everyone should consult a doctor and find out the origin of the test problem. Berntson also adds that in case of pronounced symptoms, treatment with medications can be established to relieve discomfort.

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