Genital herpes – recurs with weakened immunity

Genital herpes – recurs with weakened immunity

Genital herpes is a viral infection that is transmitted during vaginal intercourse, during anal sex, and in some cases during oral sex. Upon objectification and the appearance of the first symptoms, the most common reaction is panic among the infected. Specialist doctors claim that there is nothing terrible about it, it is completely treatable and a period of remission comes quickly. For the first time, the disease was defined as widespread in 1970. In 2012, statistics show that there were several thousand new cases of people infected with herpes on the territory of Bulgaria. Two-thirds of those affected were women and only one-third were men. Most herpes simplex infections are completely harmless, but some isolated cases show generalized involvement of the body by the herpes virus. In general, the most affected point is the immune system. Currently, Australian scientists are developing a new vaccine that will protect the body from infection with the herpes simplex virus, which is considered one of the future measures to permanently limit the spread of the sexually transmitted infection. 1. What is genital herpes? Genital herpes is a viral disease that is caused by the herpes simplex virus – HSV type 2, which affects the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals, and sometimes the most extreme part of the rectum, the place that communicates with the anal sphincters. The incubation period is about a week, but sometimes there can be a longer development. The first symptoms are usually redness or darkening of the genitals and anus. The redness is quickly replaced by skin macules filled with colorless or pink fluid. A skin reaction similar to a burn may also occur. If the genitals and genitourinary tracts are affected, the infection may manifest itself with the onset of fever. Gradually, the macular formations turn into small sores, which heal themselves within two to three weeks without any additional skin application of medication. Herpes virus infections quickly go into remission and the symptom complex disappears quickly. Permanent cure and destruction of the virus, once it has entered the body, is not achieved. The virus is retained in the spinal ganglia, where in case of some immune attack, for example in acute viral infections or stress, it can appear again. 2. The herpes simplex virus There are two types of herpes simplex virus. HSV-1 is the most common viral infectious agent that manifests itself on the lips and palate. The other HSV-2 manifests itself on the genitals. NEWS_MORE_BOX There are also some mixed types of viral infections. Such is, for example, transmission of HSV-1 during oral sex or HSV-2, which usually affects the genitals, but during oral sex it can also manifest with facial symptoms. It is possible for the virus to manifest itself in babies. In such cases, it is considered transmissibility of the infection when kissing the baby by a person who is a carrier of the herpes simplex virus. Another route of infection is at birth, which is particularly dangerous for the newborn. Statistics showthat approximately 80% of adults have antibodies against the HSV-1 viral unit and about 20% are carriers of the HSV-2 virus. 3. Ways of prevention for those who are ill. Diagnosed infection with herpes simplex virus does not in any case mean the end of sex life. And even people with promiscuous behavior have a much higher percentage of disease, but here – their sex life and addictions do not suffer from this small defect. Better prevention measures are then recommended. This includes using condoms during sexual contact, including oral sex. In case of cunnilingus, men are recommended to subsequently use oral cavity rinses with special toilet water for the mouth. It is recommended to avoid sexual contact in the acute phases, that is, in the periods when there are pronounced clinical symptoms in one partner – herpes infection of the lips and face, as well as erythema or skin macules on the genitals and anus. 4. What treatment is given? The best treatment, and the only one that is used these days, is antiviral drugs, such as acyclovir. Their oral administration is appointed up to 2 days after the appearance of the first symptoms, otherwise the meaning of the administration of the preparation is lost. Experts mention that there is a good chance that when this treatment is used for a primary infection, the virus will be destroyed. However, the late diagnosis of the primary infection is a problem. In mass cases, the manifestation of genital herpes is treated with local means. Applied at the first symptoms of burning and tingling in the affected area, in the event of a relapse, the infection may be abortive, that is, blisters may not form and pass in 1-2 days. Efforts should be directed at strengthening immunity.that there is a good chance that when this treatment is applied to a primary infection, the virus will be destroyed. However, the late diagnosis of the primary infection is a problem. In mass cases, the manifestation of genital herpes is treated with local means. Applied at the first symptoms of burning and tingling in the affected area, in the event of a relapse, the infection may be abortive, that is, blisters may not form and pass in 1-2 days. Efforts should be directed at strengthening immunity.that there is a good chance that when this treatment is applied to a primary infection, the virus will be destroyed. However, the late diagnosis of the primary infection is a problem. In mass cases, the manifestation of genital herpes is treated with local means. Applied at the first symptoms of burning and tingling in the affected area, in the event of a relapse, the infection may be abortive, that is, blisters may not form and pass in 1-2 days. Efforts should be directed at strengthening immunity.

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