Genital herpes – what are its symptoms and how is it treated?

Genital herpes – what are its symptoms and how is it treated?

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), occurs in 13% of adults of reproductive age. It is mainly caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and less commonly by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). It is characteristic of HSV-1 that it mainly causes oral herpes, but although rarely it can be the cause of complaints of a genital nature. What is interesting about genital herpes is that the infection is lifelong, with periods of suppression (latency) and reactivation of the virus. HSV-2 belongs to the Herpesviridae family, which includes DNA viruses. The spread of this type of virus occurs during sexual contact with a seropositive patient in an active stage of his infection. In pregnant women with active genital herpes, the infection can also be transmitted to the newborn during vaginal delivery, resulting in the development of neonatal herpes. Genital herpes has a tropism for the epithelial cells of the genital organs, where it multiplies intracellularly. After a period of 10-14 days, the virus migrates to the sensory neurons, where under certain conditions it is activated. Risk factors for contracting genital herpes are multiple sexual partners, casual sexual contact with strangers, failure to use protective means (condoms) during sexual intercourse, the frequency is higher among homosexual couples. Genital herpes has been found to occur at a higher frequency among females due to the easier transmission of the infection from males to females than vice versa. There are two forms of genital herpes: primary genital herpes and recurrent infection. Genital herpes is defined as primary, which manifests itself symptomatically for the first time in the respective patient or is asymptomatic, but with a positive serological test. Recurrent infection is defined as an infection that reactivates after an existing first episode. It is characteristic of the primary symptomatic episode that it is much more painful and unpleasant in terms of symptoms compared to the subsequent recurrent ones. Genital herpes can be symptomatic or asymptomatic. A characteristic symptom of genital herpes is painful genital ulcerations that appear after an incubation period of 10 to 14 days. The lesions are usually pustular or vesicular ulcers that are multiple, bilateral, and may coalesce. Other symptoms include redness, swelling, itching in the vulva, pain and burning during urination (dysuria). Symptoms of general malaise are also observed – nausea, vomiting, headache, fever. What complications can genital herpes lead to? Patients suffering from genital herpes have been found to have a much higher risk of HIV infection. About 60-90% of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are carriers of HSV-2. For this reason, all patients with genital herpes should also be tested for HIV. Another complication that may occur isis the development of aseptic meningitis. Any part of the nervous system can be affected. A serious complication affecting newborns is the development of neonatal herpes during vaginal delivery. The diagnosis can be made by taking a secretion from the genital lesions, but a more reliable and widely applied method is the PCR method or a serological test for the detection of IgM and IgG antibodies. What is the treatment of genital herpes and is a complete cure possible? HSV-2 infection is lifelong and a complete cure is not possible. However, the infection can go into remission and its transmission can be stopped. The treatment of genital herpes can be divided into the treatment of primary genital herpes and the recurrent one, and in both cases, antiviral medications such as acyclovir, valacyclovir, penciclovir, etc. are used. and the only difference is in their dosage. In the treatment of primary genital herpes, an effect on symptoms is observed 19-20 days after the start of therapy. In pregnant women with primary genital herpes, treatment with acyclovir is allowed – the drug belongs to Pregnancy category risk (PCR) B. In case of recurrent genital herpes, treatment with acyclovir is recommended after 36 weeks of gestation, and delivery by Caesarean section is recommended. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that increases the risk of HIV infection and occurs with the appearance of painful genital lesions. It is essential to limit its spread by using condoms during sexual intercourse, limiting sexual contacts during active infection and taking prophylactic antiviral medications in case of recurrent infections.Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that increases the risk of HIV infection and occurs with the appearance of painful genital lesions. It is essential to limit its spread by using condoms during sexual intercourse, limiting sexual contacts during active infection and taking prophylactic antiviral medications in case of recurrent infections.Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that increases the risk of HIV infection and occurs with the appearance of painful genital lesions. It is essential to limit its spread by using condoms during sexual intercourse, limiting sexual contacts during active infection and taking prophylactic antiviral medications in case of recurrent infections.

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