Gonorrhea – as dangerous as AIDS?!

Gonorrhea – as dangerous as AIDS?!

A recent article declared that gonorrhea is as serious a public health problem as AIDS. However, these claims are misleading, experts explain. The CNBC article states that gonorrhea may be worse than AIDS due to antibiotic resistance in some of its strains. However, some experts believe that this comparison is hyperbolized. The percentage of complications from gonorrhea in relation to the immune system are much smaller compared to those caused by AIDS, scientists explain. Also, the outcome of AIDS is fatal, while gonorrhea is rarely fatal. The risk of life-threatening complications, such as sepsis, due to gonorrhea is about 1%, and with AIDS – 98%. These and other facts show that the two diseases cannot be equated, they add. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrheae. It finds a favorable environment for its development mainly in the vagina, cervix, urethra and rectum. NEWS_MORE_BOX Symptoms are burning when urinating and discharge from the vagina or penis. If the bacteria reaches other parts of the body, joint pain, swelling and stiffness are possible. The treatment process is difficult and in many cases quite long. It is extremely important to treat both partners at the same time. The consequences of untreated infection are serious. It can cause infertility, which affects both men and women. About half of babies born to mothers with gonorrhea have severe eye infections that could lead to blindness. Pregnant women with the infection are at risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

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