Good sex – good relationship, good relationship – good sex

Good sex – good relationship, good relationship – good sex

Halves who communicate with each other and understand their emotions get more pleasure from sex, a new study suggests.Personal qualities such as self-esteem, independence and others also play an important role in sexual pleasure, according to the study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health. The way partners treat each other, the relationship, the ability to listen can affect the quality of the sexual act, found the leader of the study Adena Galinski. In the study, the researchers analyzed data from surveys in 2001 and 2002 of about 3,200 students. , aged 18 to 26. Volunteers answer a series of questions related to the level of autonomy in the relationship, self-esteem and empathy between partners, and the degree of sexual health and satisfaction. Autonomy determines the strength of personal beliefs, regardless of whether they are in opposition to those of the partner. The level of autonomy usually increases with age, it is much less pronounced in teenagers, for example, Galinsky found. The results of the study show that men are much more likely to talk about sex, about their needs and what they want to do during intercourse. The stronger sex is much more likely to enjoy oral sex much more than the ladies, researchers emphasize a long-known fact. After comparing some criteria determining sexual pleasure, such as frequency of orgasm, level of pleasure in giving and receiving oral love, the researchers found that autonomy and empathy were associated with greater sexual pleasure in women. In men, only empathy and high self-esteem, which predispose to making oral love, have an impact. Men who empathize with their partner’s needs and are more responsive to their desires thus initiate a positive feedback loop. This is an important prerequisite for obtaining maximum satisfaction from sexual intercourse. Scientists hope to continue studies in this direction by including middle-aged people.

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