Gynecological symptoms worthy of your attention

Gynecological symptoms worthy of your attention

Symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, genital bleeding, fluorescein or the detection of a tumor-like entity are the most common gynecological signs requiring an urgent visit to the office of obstetrics and gynecology. Pain Pain is described differently according to its strength, duration, time of manifestation and irradiation (spread). Sharp pain, for example, in the lower abdomen occurs in conditions with a rapid interruption of the blood supply, such as a rupture (tearing) of a blood vessel or twisting of structures through which vessels pass (torsion). Dull pain is inherent in various static conditions in which the anatomical localization of the organs is changed. Such are, for example, prolapse of the uterus or vagina. This type of pain is very typical when malignant processes spread to neighboring organs. Throbbing pain is another type of pain that is characteristic of acute inflammatory bowel disease. In them, a collection of inflammatory infiltrate develops, which organizes and begins to press adjacent tissues and nerve endings. Another characteristic of pain in inflammatory diseases is burning. It is the result of the irritating effect of the biologically active ingredients that are released during the inflammatory process. By localization, pain of a gynecological nature is usually manifested in the lower abdomen, waist, coccyx or external genitalia. It can be performed along the upper sacral area or over the intimate folds. Bleeding Gynecological bleeding can be from the so-called spotting or welding of the underwear to an abundant amount, which leads to deterioration of the general condition. Several causes of bleeding are, for example, uterine fibroids, glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium, uterine polyps, or carcinoma of the genital organs. It is very important to point out the fact that genital bleeding during menopause is undoubtedly a pathological condition and requires medical attention. NEWS_MORE_BOX Tumor Tumor generally means a volume occupying process that may be the result of an inflammatory or proliferative disease. For example, in an inflammatory disease of the external genital organs, the tissues are infiltrated with inflammatory cells. In malignant tumor processes, continuous and uncontrolled cell proliferation leads to infiltration and metastasis of the underlying disease. Fluoride Fluoride is any genital discharge other than bleeding. The most common cause of genital discharge is infection. Normal genital discharge does not stain underwear and is whitish in color. It is about 0.3-0.6 grams and with an acidic reaction. This changes when inflammation develops. The color changes, the fluorine becomes abundant in quantity, and the acidity decreases. Non-inflammatory causes of genital discharge are also possible, such as a change in hormonal status such as during ovulation or pregnancy, trauma, tumors, the performance of various operative or diagnostic interventions or the general or local administration of antibiotics.All this disturbs the microflora of the vagina.

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