High doses of paracetamol impair male fertility

High doses of paracetamol impair male fertility

Couples in which the male had high levels of paracetamol in his urine achieved pregnancy with significant difficulty compared to couples in which the male’s paracetamol levels were lower. Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is an over-the-counter medication. It is used as a pain reliever and to lower a high temperature, most often in colds, but in non-chronic pains of a general nature. This substance is also formed in the human body during the breakdown of aniline, a chemical used in the production of pesticides and food colorings. The levels of paracetamol in the urine are indicative of its participation in metabolism and reflect its total content in the body. Elevated levels can be due not only to long-term use of the drug, but also to exposure to environmental factors associated with the intake of aniline, or most often to a combination of the two. More than 500 couples participated in a statewide study called the Longitudinal Investigation of Fertility and the Environment (LIFE). Women had mean paracetamol blood levels of 26.6 nanograms/ml and men 13.2 ng/ml. Elevated levels of the substance in the fair sex had no statistical impact on the chances of pregnancy, but in the strong sex, a direct relationship was established. NEWS_MORE_BOX In men with a urine acetaminophen concentration higher than 73.5 ng/ml, the couple’s chances of achieving pregnancy were reduced by 35%. Another study, published in the pages of the journal Toxicity, reveals how the intake of analgesics such as paracetamol can lead to abnormalities in sperm morphology. According to the scientists, the chemical acts as an inhibitor for some DNA synthesis pathways – it suppresses the formation of new DNA molecules. This can lead to DNA damage in the testicular tissue and negatively affect spermatogenesis – the production of new sperm. Before using paracetamol, it is recommended to consult a pharmacist or doctor, who can determine the appropriate dose and regimen for men planning fatherhood.

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