How do I choose birth control for me?

How do I choose birth control for me?

Contraceptives prevent the risk of unwanted pregnancy and at the same time control women’s monthly cycle and the unpleasant premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Contraceptives contain synthetic hormones. Contraceptives are strictly individual. What’s right for one woman may not work for another, says Dr. Patti J. Ross, a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive science at the Houston School of Medicine. 35-year-old ladies, for example, have different needs and desires than 17-18-year-old girls, so they must also take different contraceptives. Contraceptives are not only prescribed against unwanted pregnancy. They can help with acne, relieve cramping and swelling during heavy periods, and improve menstrual regularity. Contraceptives can be replaced with another type of contraceptive, such as an IUD. The IUD is an intrauterine device that is replaced every few years. Contraceptives have side effects on health – it should not be forgotten that they are still medicines. In addition, an important fact is that they do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. Condoms are the only means of preventing infection during sexual contact. We offer you a list of contraceptives with some of the signs by which they are selected, and it is important to note that contraceptives are prescribed by a doctor! The prescription of some of them is not simply for the purpose of contraception, but is part of the therapy of a given condition in the woman. Lybrel, Seasonale, and Seasonique Birth control pills are 98-99% effective when taken as directed. Admission is mandatory every day without fail. Advantages: The cycle is accurate and regular, and the menstruation itself is lighter and painless. Lybrel can be taken once a year from the end of menstruation to the beginning of the next, and Seasonale and Seasonique up to four times a year, in the same way. All three types of birth control help clear up or prevent acne. They reduce the risk of ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, breast or ovarian tumors and endometrial cancer. Disadvantages: Increase the risk of blood clots and cervical cancer. Side effects such as pimples and unexpected bleeding are possible. They can cause vomiting and diarrhea. They are not recommended for women over the age of 35, for smokers, for women with hereditary diseases such as blood clot formation, breast, uterine or liver cancer, heart attack and stroke. Yasmin and Yaz Birth control pills are 99% effective when taken as directed. Admission is mandatory every day without fail. Advantages: The cycle is lighter and more regular. Acne and premenstrual dysphoric disorder are prevented. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a more severe form of PMS. Birth control pills reduce the risk of ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, breast and ovarian neoplasms, and endometrial cancer.Disadvantages Yasmin and Yaz can increase the risk of blood clots and cervical cancer, as well as cause vomiting and diarrhea. Contraceptives are not recommended for women over 35 years of age, for smokers and for women with hereditary diseases such as blood clots, breast, uterine or liver cancer, heart attack and stroke. Ortho Evra Contraceptive is 99% effective when used as intended. It is a patch that is placed on the skin in a place convenient for a woman. The patch is worn every day for three weeks. On the fourth week, it is removed, which gives the beginning of menstruation. Advantages: There is no risk of missing the dose for the day, as with tablets. It is suitable for women who cannot tolerate pills. Birth control patches reduce the risk of ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, breast and ovarian neoplasms, and endometrial cancer. Disadvantages: Contraceptive patches contain much more estrogen than pills. Patches can lead to a greater risk of blood clots than birth control pills. Contraceptives are not recommended for women over 35 years of age, smokers and women with hereditary diseases such as blood clots, breast, uterine or liver cancer, heart attack and stroke.

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