How to “help” the partner achieve orgasm?

How to “help” the partner achieve orgasm?

We live in a time where sex is no longer a taboo subject, it is talked about openly and women are not afraid to say what they want to get. If you think this has always been the case, you are wrong. Not more than two generations ago, most women achieved orgasms so infrequently that it was more or less considered normal. Many doctors even considered orgasm more of a myth than a real physiological need. Today, all this is radically different. A man has to “get it”. Dissatisfying your partner is a man’s greatest fear, perhaps second only to the size of his penis. Whether a partner’s orgasms are real or simulated is a question many men hesitate to ask. What’s more, doctors are now convinced of the existence of orgasms! They even know that women can have several consecutive orgasms – the so-called. multiple orgasms. How to make it so that the partner really gets them? To answer this question, we must first answer another, more fundamental question – what is the female orgasm? The first thing to clarify is that the female orgasm is similar to the male orgasm in many ways. The sense of increasing excitement builds and at one point is released in spilling ecstasy. From a physiological point of view, orgasm is the increased release of neurotransmitters and hormones under the control of the autonomic nervous system. Along with the euphoric feeling created by the released neurotransmitters in the brain, the orgasm also has a purely reproductive side – the intense contractions of the pelvic and uterine muscles facilitate the absorption of the ejaculate from the woman’s reproductive tract. Don’t be fooled by what you see on TV or on the Internet – a small percentage of women ejaculate during orgasm, and a very small amount at that. The more unpleasant for men difference between male and female orgasms is that for men, multiple orgasms are very rare, while most women can ejaculate repeatedly within minutes. The skill is learned and honed, which is why relatively few young women can achieve it. It is acquired with the help of an experienced and capable lover. How do we become that lover? The key point is to understand that for women mechanics do not play as big a role. A man gets an orgasm as long as his penis is stimulated, even if the atmosphere is not very romantic. Although, of course, every woman is different, we can summarize the conditions that, statistically speaking, give the greatest chances of success: You must create a romantic atmosphere and a pleasant and conducive environment. The partner (in most cases) must be really attracted to you. You need to show her that you like and appreciate her. And now the trickier part: Good natural lubrication must be present so that the partner does not feel discomfort. You must be skilled enough to stimulate the clitoris. Assume that the first of the above two conditions is present, ie.your partner is not over a certain age limit (and even if she is – the decision is well known) and you like her at least a little. There remains the second task, which, however, is far more complicated. The truth is that traditional vaginal sex, by itself, is not a particularly good method of clitoral stimulation. You must integrate into your strategy techniques for manual or oral stimulation. We should not take for granted the assumption that standard or even anal sex will be completely sufficient. Think about and take an interest in what she wants. If there’s still no convenient way to steer a conversation in that direction, or she doesn’t mention it and you can’t find a more witty way to extract the information, just ask her. Still not convinced? Let’s put it bluntly – many women get an orgasm more easily from oral sex than from vaginal sex. Keep that in mind. The other male delusion is that the man’s technique is perfect and if the woman doesn’t cum, then the problem is with her. Even if your previous partners thought you were a great lover, it doesn’t mean that the current one likes exactly what the previous ones liked. And this should be taken into account. The third important point is that many women enjoy foreplay much more than we think. They want to feel that the man in front of them is not selfish, but is interested in them and wants to give them pleasure. One of the worst mistakes a man can make is asking hastily and impatiently, “Are you done?” NEWS_MORE_BOX To summarize the most important points: Take your time. Don’t be too pushy or demanding – you’re not worldly! Be interested in what the woman next to you wants. Create comfort. Give her caresses and kisses before you get down to the nitty-gritty. Massage her thighs and genitals. Go slower and constantly tune in to her desires. Moisten her clitoris with lubricants or the natural physiological lubrication. Remember that clitoral stimulation is the key to success and always act according to this rule. Learn from her – from how she stimulates herself, from the poses she suggests and from what she tells you.The other male delusion is that the man’s technique is perfect and if the woman doesn’t cum, then the problem is with her. Even if your previous partners thought you were a great lover, it doesn’t mean that the current one likes exactly what the previous ones liked. And this should be taken into account. The third important point is that many women enjoy foreplay much more than we think. They want to feel that the man in front of them is not selfish, but is interested in them and wants to give them pleasure. One of the worst mistakes a man can make is asking hastily and impatiently, “Are you done?” NEWS_MORE_BOX To summarize the most important points: Take your time. Don’t be too pushy or demanding – you’re not worldly! Be interested in what the woman next to you wants. Create comfort. Give her caresses and kisses before you get down to the nitty-gritty. Massage her thighs and genitals. Go slower and constantly tune in to her desires. Moisten her clitoris with lubricants or the natural physiological lubrication. Remember that clitoral stimulation is the key to success and always follow this rule. Learn from her – from how she stimulates herself, from the poses she suggests and from what she tells you.The other male delusion is that the man’s technique is perfect and if the woman doesn’t cum, then the problem is with her. Even if your previous partners thought you were a great lover, it doesn’t mean that the current one likes exactly what the previous ones liked. And this should be taken into account. The third important point is that many women enjoy foreplay much more than we think. They want to feel that the man in front of them is not selfish, but is interested in them and wants to give them pleasure. One of the worst mistakes a man can make is asking hastily and impatiently, “Are you done?” NEWS_MORE_BOX To summarize the most important points: Take your time. Don’t be too pushy or demanding – you’re not worldly! Be interested in what the woman next to you wants. Create comfort. Give her caresses and kisses before you get down to the nitty-gritty. Massage her thighs and genitals. Go slower and constantly tune in to her desires. Moisten her clitoris with lubricants or the natural physiological lubrication. Remember that clitoral stimulation is the key to success and always follow this rule. Learn from her – from how she stimulates herself, from the poses she suggests and from what she tells you.

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