How to lose weight effectively with sex?

How to lose weight effectively with sex?

With more than 30% of the world’s population suffering from dangerous obesity, healthy weight loss cannot be a hot topic today. And what could be healthier than the implementation in the process of weight loss of means that everyone would use with pleasure. One such tool is sex. If its weight-busting abilities prove to be true, the problem of global obesity may very soon be just a passing memory in the minds of pampered, petite people. Sex helps burn calories and can be very successfully incorporated into a healthy lifestyle, competing in effectiveness with any known diet. More carnal pleasures for less gastronomic deprivation – this can become the motto of all slimmers. More sex or a strict diet to lose weight – does he want to ask? To maintain optimal physical shape and control weight, experts recommend a minimum of 3 hours of moderate physical activity per week. Sex is sometimes much more than moderate exertion. So how does it fit into a weight loss regimen? Sex is a complete physical workout. Convinced of this, scientists from the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, check how many calories we burn on average during a boudoir adventure. Most studies to date have mainly looked at the effect of sex on our heart rate, hormonal balance and emotional state. It is time to take a more practical approach and indicate its caloric dimensions. For the purpose of the study, 21 heterosexual couples were tracked, the partners being between the ages of 21 and 35. During the study, they had sex once a week for 4 weeks. Each time during sex, they wore special devices to track energy expenditure based on their momentary physical activity during foreplay, the actual sexual intercourse and the subsequent orgasm. The obtained data show that a man’s caloric expenditure during sex can reach 310 calories, and a woman’s – 160 calories. The sensitivity of the question precluded the study authors from sharing the average duration of a sexual act between two partners. Whatever it is, however, the caloric consumption during sex is certainly many times higher than that of jogging or intensive walking for the same period of time. NEWS_MORE_BOX The conclusion is eloquent – ​​for the time of one sex, calories are burned, as much as for almost an hour of moderate exercise. Therefore, losing weight in this case is only a matter of choice. More favored are obviously people who do not have time and are pressed by circumstances to burn calories with optimally short activities. It is no coincidence that 100% of men and 95% of women who participated in the study indicated that sex has indisputable advantages over any physical training aimed at accelerating weight loss. So,by practicing more sex, one not only fully satisfies the requirement for a minimum of 3 hours of moderate physical activity per week. In addition, he guarantees that this will be done in the most pleasant way. The next time you slip into your workout jersey, call your significant other. Share and discuss with her the scientific data above and calmly remove the leotard. Fitness will not escape.

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