How to maintain intimate hygiene during menopause?

How to maintain intimate hygiene during menopause?

Climacterium is a period in which a gradual change is observed in the female body, associated with the fading functions of the ovaries and a decrease in the levels of hormones released by them. In many ladies of this age, this condition can lead to some characteristic complaints. 1. Which tissues and organs undergo the greatest changes during menopause? After menopause, in addition to hormonal changes, there is also a redistribution of blood flow. Limiting the functions of the organs of the genital tract is the reason for their scarcer blood supply and a decrease in the elasticity of the tissues in the intimate area. A gradual atrophy is observed – a decrease in the size of the uterus, and hence the amount of secretion released from the cervix. Due to the low levels of estrogen, the formation of glycogen by the superficial cells of the vaginal mucosa is also limited, which leads to the formation of a smaller amount of lactic acid by the Döderlein bacteria. As a result of these changes, the pH values ​​rise, i.e. the vaginal contents change their acidity and it reaches an average value of 6.8. Otherwise, the pH of the vaginal contents of a woman of reproductive age is 4.5. The lining of the vagina thins, and the glands in the vulva area also secrete reduced amounts of secretions. In most women, these changes can lead to complaints of vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, and discomfort. The thin and dry vaginal mucosa is easily vulnerable, and with more aggressive intimate care or sexual contact, it could become inflamed and cause pain, itching and burning in the area. 2. How to maintain our intimate hygiene and what products to use? Choosing a cleanser for the delicate area is a common problem for menopausal women. It should be done very carefully in view of the fact that during this period the cleaning of the intimate area should be especially gentle. In order to enjoy comfort and a pleasant feeling in the delicate area, regular cleaning is necessary. However, it should not be too aggressive and frequent, as the skin may react with irritation and damage. NEWS_MORE_BOX It is not recommended to use soaps and shower gels with a pH different from that typical for this period. Their use would alter the natural balance of tissues in the intimate area, making them more susceptible to damage. When washing, it is good to use lukewarm water, but in no case hot water due to the danger of additional drying of the skin covering the external genitalia. The washing products that are recommended for use in pre- and postmenopause are those that have a designation for the appropriate composition of the cosmetic product and its acidity, namely pH 6.8. Cleaning should be done with careful movements and without pressing too hard. Rinsing should be abundant and with warm water, and drying with a clean and soft towel. In this stage of performing intimate hygiene, we must avoid rubbing with the towel,as it may irritate the skin. Careful absorption of moisture is sufficient. Wet wipes and scented toilet paper are also not recommended for maintaining intimate hygiene. Observing these rules, a menopausal woman can enjoy a long time of health and secure comfort in this delicate area of ​​the female body.

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