How to overcome failures in sex life?

How to overcome failures in sex life?

Failures in sex life are usually perceived as impotence, but this is not the correct term. Impotence is perceived as a condition in which a man is not able to perform sexual intercourse under any circumstances. Occasional or persistent erection problems are called erectile dysfunction. Slight weakening of potency with age is a normal phenomenon. But each person relates to this “norm” in his own way – some philosophically, others very painfully. Erectile dysfunction could depress even the strongest man and seriously affect partner relationships. Weakening of erectile function manifests itself differently. Sometimes as separate “cuts”, after which the erection is restored by itself. But permanent disturbances with a distinct tendency to deepen are also observed. Nevertheless, representatives of the stronger sex prefer to suffer silently, but in vain. Modern medicine is able to help every man restore his potency and regain the pleasure of sex. What is the reason? The mechanism of erection requires the coordinated actions of many systems in the body. Her condition is like a litmus paper reflecting a man’s overall health. NEWS_MORE_BOX The causes of erectile dysfunction are mainly due to organic disorders – primarily cardiovascular diseases, as well as other chronic diseases – diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, atherosclerosis, hormonal disorders. Doctors are sure of one thing: whatever the reasons for impaired potency, psychological problems will not be late. The man falls into a vicious circle, when even an occasional failure leads to fear, constant expectation of failure and further deterioration of the erection. The modern man is increasingly aware of the need to visit a specialized clinic in case his sex life does not satisfy him. Only a qualified urologist can determine the root causes of the problem. Be sure to consult a doctor, especially if the erection problems are persistent and progressive. The best solution is not to delay, experts advise. During the month of November, dedicated to the prevention of diseases of the male reproductive system, the capital’s “On Clinic” provides a 50% discount on the price of male health examinations. Ask your questions here or on 0700 1 19 19 and 0885 488 088.

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