How to protect yourself from vaginal infections during summer vacation?

How to protect yourself from vaginal infections during summer vacation?

Summer is a period of the year that is characterized by an increased frequency of vaginal infections – mainly fungal, bacterial vaginosis, even sexually transmitted diseases, due to frequent visits to pools and the sea. Warm weather, combined with long stays in wet bathing suits, greatly increases the risk of vaginal infections. Swimming in pools that are not sufficiently cleaned creates a prerequisite for the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Although most of these infections are completely treatable, there are methods for their prevention: 1. First of all, it is recommended to wear a spare dry bathing suit when visiting a pool or the sea. Prolonged stay in a wet swimsuit creates extremely favorable conditions for the development of vaginal candidiasis. For this reason, it is advisable to change your wet swimsuit into a dry one after bathing. This is especially important for patients who are pregnant, suffer from diabetes mellitus or any other condition that compromises their immunity. 2. After the pool or the sea, wash your genitals well – staying at the sea is associated with sand getting into unwanted places, which can cause irritation, itching and redness in some women. Therefore, its careful removal and washing is recommended. 3. Taking probiotics – there are nutritional supplements, synbiotics, a combination of pre- and probiotic, which contain beneficial lactobacilli, helping to maintain a healthy vaginal microflora. Normally, the environment in the vagina is acidic. In infections, alkalinization and overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms occur, therefore prophylactic intake of probiotics would reduce the risk of infections. 4. Intake of large amounts of water and frequent urination – good hydration, especially in the summer, is of great importance for our general health. The lack of a toilet near the beach predisposes to retention of the urge to urinate. This, combined with more frequent sexual contact while on vacation, increases the risk of bacterial retention and genitourinary infections. For this reason, good hydration and frequent urination are essential. 5. Frequent changes of tampons and sanitary napkins – it is extremely unpleasant that the period of your summer vacation coincides with the period of your period. However, sometimes it happens and it is important to know some things about it. Relaxing in the shade under the umbrella, there is no small risk of forgetting to change your sanitary pad or tampon. This increases the risk of vaginal candidiasis, and prolonged stay with a tampon carries the risk of toxic shock syndrome – an extremely rare condition caused by the release of staph toxins into the bloodstream. Therefore, it is recommended to change sanitary napkins and tampons no more than 4 hours. The symptoms that will suggest the development of a vaginal infection are: first of all, a change in the amount,the color and smell of vaginal discharge; occurrence of pain during urination (dysuria) and during intercourse (dyspareunia); pelvic pain etc. With the development of a fungal infection, the vaginal discharge has the appearance of curdled milk, with sexually transmitted infections it may be yellow-green, and with bacterial vaginosis it has the smell of rotten fish. The diagnosis is made during an examination at a gynecologist and microbiological examination of vaginal discharge. Treatment includes antibiotic or antifungal preparations depending on the vaginal infection. Summer is a period of the year associated with many pleasant emotions and relaxation. However, we must take care of ourselves and do everything possible to prevent the most common vaginal infections during this period.

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