How to recognize the symptoms of cervical cancer?

How to recognize the symptoms of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers among women worldwide. Over half a million women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year and a significant number of them lose the battle with the disease. It is important to know, however, that if the diagnosis is made in time and treatment is started immediately, cervical cancer is a completely curable disease. The initial stages of the disease and precancerous changes are most often asymptomatic. However, with the development of cancer, the first signs of the disease also appear. We share with you the most common symptoms of cervical cancer that can tell you that you should undergo a gynecological examination. One of the most common indications is abnormal vaginal bleeding. It can manifest itself in the form of bleeding after intercourse, bleeding after menopause, bleeding or spotting between monthly cycles, as well as unusually heavy and long periods. Abnormal vaginal discharge also indicates a gynecological problem and the possible presence of cervical cancer. The discharge may contain blood and appear between monthly cycles or after menopause. Symptoms may also include pelvic pain or pain during intercourse. In more advanced stages of the disease, symptoms such as swelling of the legs, problems urinating or defecating, and blood in the urine could occur. The appearance of these symptoms can be due not only to the presence of cervical cancer, but also to other diseases. If you have similar complaints, see a doctor immediately and do not forget to undergo regular preventive gynecological examinations.

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