How to reduce menopausal symptoms through dietary changes?

How to reduce menopausal symptoms through dietary changes?

An irregular and irregular menstrual cycle is the most noticeable sign of the onset of menopause. Menopause usually occurs at the age of 45-55 years of a woman, when her reproductive function ceases. After this period she would not be able to conceive naturally. The period of menopause has gained a negative reputation because of the change it brings. Then women complain of hot flashes, weight gain, slow metabolism, hair thinning, unstable mood, vaginal dryness… All this brings discomfort in a woman’s daily life and sometimes affects her attitude and behavior towards others. Nutritionist Edwina Raj from Aster CMI Hospital shares some tips on Doctor NDTV with the help of which ladies can manage the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. If by this point the woman is still “galloping” between multiple tasks, commitments and responsibilities and neglecting her nutrition, it is high time to take time for herself. Diet and lifestyle affect its condition and could slow down an already stressed organism that has to deal with the drop in estrogen in the body. According to the nutritionist, the main culprits for early menopause are poor nutrition, high caffeine consumption, smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of care for maintaining the body’s physical activity, zinc and vitamin B6 deficiencies. The consumption of processed, refined products, sugar, flour, white rice, certainly negatively affects weight maintenance and increases the risk of insulin resistance, fat accumulation. All this can interfere with the synthesis of female sex hormones, which is already decreasing due to the biological clock. Avoiding caffeine, carbonated drinks, candies and sugary foods in general, packaged products would greatly alleviate the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Not only for men, but also for women, it is important to limit salt consumption to the norm, because it creates a risk not only for hypertension, but also for calcium deficiency. What can be eaten and how? First, it is mandatory to strive for a balanced intake of substances and nutrients with food consumption. Sticking to an individually tailored diet plan is the best thing a woman of this age can do. The menu should be rich in products containing antioxidants, zinc, vitamin B6 and should include a daily intake of fruits, vegetables, including leafy ones, nuts and seeds, fish. It is good to provide foods that are rich in phytoestrogens. They have estrogen-like activity. Such are the isoflavones found in soy, beans, some sprouts and fruits. Vitamin E-containing sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, leafy greens and nuts would also help to better manage menopausal symptoms. The body should not be left without fats, but they should be as healthy as possible and in the right amount.Such are the fats contained in fish, nuts and seeds. Look for good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and avoid saturated ones. Don’t miss a day without getting vitamin D. It can be found in mushrooms, fatty fish, fortified milk, cereal products, etc. This helps the body absorb calcium better and is part of the prevention of osteoporosis. of the occurrence of which there is an increased risk in postmenopausal women.

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