How to regain sexual activity after childbirth (Part I)

How to regain sexual activity after childbirth (Part I)

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, sexual activity after childbirth can be restored within 4-6 weeks in a healthy way. When exactly this will happen also depends on individual indicators, such as the speed of the woman’s recovery and the return of her libido, the commitment to the care of the baby and other activities, the timidity of the couple to regain their spontaneity in their love life after the period of pregnancy and realistically of the great changes they have experienced in the last 9 months. It happens that the resumption of sex life after the appearance of a baby is a problem for many couples, for various reasons – caring for the baby, lack of time, fatigue and others. Here are some tips that can help in this direction:1. Exercises At the beginning of a healthy lifestyle, it is recommended to practice physical activity for at least 30 minutes 5-7 days a week. After giving birth, mothers are usually completely absorbed in caring for their newborn, and finding time for a 30-minute workout is almost impossible. Finding time to exercise, however, can improve not only your abs, but also your sex life. A study from the University of British Columbia shows that exercise makes a difference in how satisfied a woman is with sex – just 20 minutes of physical activity arouses the sexual responses of the participants. Practicing lower body exercises such as lunges, for example, helps to tone and strengthen of the muscles used during sex. In addition, the application of various gymnastics, increase the energy level, reduce body weight and help to sculpt a slim figure and sexy belly. In fact, sex in itself is an exercise. Just 30 minutes of sexual activity burns 85 calories. 2. SleepAccording to a 2007 study, about 84% of postpartum women have trouble sleeping at least a few nights a week, and about 72% wake up in the morning feeling unmotivated. The results are probably not a surprise to any mother, but it should be taken into account that sleep deprivation harms the sexual relationship with the partner. There is scientific evidence for this relationship as well – those who do not get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and as a result feel tired, sad or angry, they are more likely to be in the mood for sex. Every child deserves to have a happy and satisfied mother. Taking care of ourselves and making an effort to maintain good relationships with others in the family is the best we can do, experts say. After all, a good night’s sleep is good for sex, and vice versa. When we have an orgasm, our body releases oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, and it promotes sleep, which is necessary for the desire to have more sex. 3. Don’t have sexThat’s right: To regain your sex life, don’t have sex until you’re ready for intercourse, psychologists recommend. Communication happens when both parties agree that it is time.Instead of having sex, build anticipation for sex. Start with touching, gently stroking the skin and getting to know your partner’s body, or other favorite warm-up tactics before sex. Remember how it feels to just kiss, in the backseat of the car, for example, like in the good old days. 4. Talk about sex Talk about the topic with your loved one. Communication and setting expectations—yours and your partner’s—are of the utmost importance. Not only is this useful for clarifying your physical and mental state, such a discussion is itself an act of intimacy. A naughty text sent to your partner during the day can do wonders at night. Part Two of the material

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